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Outside bodies
Community and Police Consultation Group - Kirkbymoorside & Helmsley
Community and Police Consultation Groups - Malton Norton (Town)
Community and Police Consultation Groups - Malton Norton East (Rural)
Community and Police Consultation Groups - Malton Norton West (Rural)
Community and Police Consultation Groups - Pickering
Community Client Group (Malton, Norton and Old Malton Flood Alleviation Scheme)
Harrison Collection Trust
Howardian Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - Joint Advisory Committee
Local Government Association - General Assembly
Local Government Association - SPARSE
Local Government, North Yorkshire & York
Malton and Norton Area Partnership Board
Malton and Norton Infrastructure and Connectivity Steering Group
Milton Rooms Management Committee
North York Moors National Park Authority
North Yorkshire and York Spatial Planning and Transport Board
North Yorkshire Building Control Partnership
North Yorkshire County Council - Scrutiny of Health Committee
North Yorkshire, City of York and East Riding Strategic Housing Board
Parking and Traffic Regulations outside London
Police, Fire and Crime Panel
Reserve Forces and Cadet Association for Yorkshire and the Humber
Ryedale Citizens Advice Bureau
Ryedale Community Transport
Ryedale Folk Museum
Ryedale YMCA Board of Management
Safer Ryedale Delivery Team
Tourism Advisory Board
Vale of Pickering Internal Drainage Board
White Rose Home Improvement Agency Partnership
York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership - Infrastructure Programme Board
York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership - Overview and Scrutiny Board
Yorkshire & Humber (Local Authorities) Employers Association