Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 10th February, 2015 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton

Contact: Jo Holmes/Karen Hood 

Recording: Listen to the recording

No. Item


Apologies for absence


There was no apologies for absence.


Minutes of meeting held on 13 January 2015

Supporting documents:




That the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 13 January 2015 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


[For 5                           Against 2                                 Abstain 1]



Urgent Business

To receive notice of any urgent business which the Chairman considers should be dealt with at the meeting as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There was no urgent business.


Declarations of Interest

Members to indicate whether they will be declaring any interests under the Code of Conduct.


Members making a declaration of interest at a meeting of a Committee or Council are required to disclose the existence and nature of that interest.  This requirement is not discharged by merely declaring a personal interest without further explanation.


Councillor                            Application

Hicks                                      8,9

Hope                                       8

Goodrick                                8

Sanderson                             8,14

Frank                                      8

Burr                                         8,12,15

Richardson                            8,9,15

Maud                                      10,15

Windress                                8,13


Part B - Developer Contributions from Small Sites

Supporting documents:




Council is recommended to  resolve:


(i) Not to seek financial contributions from small residential sites through the planning process towards affordable housing on sites of five dwellings or less under Policy SP3 of the Ryedale Plan;


(ii) To continue to negotiate the on-site provision of affordable housing in line with Policy SP3 of the Ryedale Plan with the exception that affordable housing contributions will not be sought from sites of 10 dwellings or less and which have a maximum combined gross floorspace of no more than 1,000square metres in Malton, Norton and Pickering;


(iii) To continue to negotiate the on-site provision of affordable housing in line with SP3 of the Ryedale Plan with the exception that on sites of between six and ten dwellings, in parishes outside of Malton, Norton and Pickering, financial contributions will be sought in lieu of the existing on-site policy requirement and that financial contributions of an equivalent of 40% of provision will be sought on such sites in west and south west Ryedale


(vi) Not to seek financial contributions towards open space provision from sites of ten dwellings or less


vii) To authorise the Head of Planning and Housing to approve the planning applications listed in Paragraph 6.13 without the completion of the Section 106 agreements specified and not to seek affordable and open space contributions from any further applications on relevant small sites which are due to be determined in the interim.



[For 7                           Against 1                                 Abstain 2]



Schedule of items to be determined by Committee

Supporting documents:


The Head of Planning & Housing submitted a list (previously circulated) of the applications for planning permission with recommendations there on.




14/01207/MOUT - Land At Manor Farm, Sherburn, Malton

Supporting documents:


14/01207/MOUT - Demolition of 1 no. existing cow shed, erection of up to 73 no. residential dwellings (including up to 35% affordable housing), structural planting and landscaping, informal public open space, childrens play area, surface water attenuation, a vehicular access point from Sked Dale road and associated  ancillary works (site area 3.16ha).




PERMISSION GRANTED - Subject to conditions as recommended and completion of S106 Legal Agreement.


[For 10                         Against 0                                 Abstain 0]




In accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct Councillors Hicks, Hope, Mrs Goodrick, Mrs Sanderson, Mrs Frank, Mrs Burr, Richardson, and Windress declared a personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.


14/01073/MFUL - Gravel Pit Farm, Sand Hutton, Malton

Supporting documents:


14/01073/MFUL - Installation of an anaerobic digestion and combined heat and power plant to include 3 no. tanks, ancillary structures, silage clamps and digestate storage lagoon (resubmission of application ref 14/00709/MFUL previously submitted).




PERMISSION GRANTED - Subject to conditions as recommended and the addition of conditions relating the following matters:


(i)         Digestate Management Plan

(ii)        Control Of Lighting 

(iii)       Removal Of Plant condition in terms that within 25 years of the completion of construction of the development, or within 6 months of the cessation of gas production from the development, which ever is the sooner, the development hereby approved shall be dismantled and removed from the site in its entirety.



[For 7                           Against 3                                 Abstain 0]




In accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct Councillors Hicks and Richardson declared a personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.



14/01275/MFUL - Carr House Farm, Long Lane, Slingsby, Malton

Supporting documents:


14/01275/MFUL - Erection of replacement building for continued use divided between storage of agricultural machinery for resale by the applicant and general purpose agricultural use.




PERMISSION GRANTED - Subject to conditions as recommended.


[For 10                         Against 0                                 Abstain 0]



14/01318/MFUL - Outbuildings East of Croome Dale Lane, East Lutton, Malton

Supporting documents:


14/01318/MFUL - Erection of 3 no. open fronted cattle buildings and 1 no. open sided straw barn together with erection of extension to existing open fronted cattle building following demolition of 2 no. existing agricultural buildings (retrospective application).




PERMISSION GRANTED - Subject to conditions as recommended.


[For 7                           Against 1                                 Abstain 2]




In accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct Councillor Maud declared a personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.


14/01335/MFUL - 27 Wood Street, Norton, Malton

Supporting documents:


14/01335/MFUL -  Erection of block of 1 no. 1 bedroom and 1 no. 2 bedroom apartments and block of 5 no. 1 bedroom and 3 no. 2 bedroom apartments following demolition of existing garage and outbuildings together with formation of vehicular access, 10 no. parking spaces, communal refuse store and additional 1 no. parking space for 29 Wood Street.




PERMISSION GRANTED - Subject to conditions as recommended.


[For 10                         Against 0                                 Abstain 0]



14/01397/MFUL - Black Bull Caravan Park, Malton Road, Pickering

Supporting documents:


14/01397/MFUL - Change of use of grassland for the siting of 48no. touring caravans, 6no. seasonal touring caravans and 18no. camping pitches (retrospective application to regularise the present on site situation).




PERMISSION GRANTED - Subject to conditions as recommended.


[For 9                           Against 0                                 Abstain 1]




In accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct Councillor Mrs Burr declared a personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.


14/01292/73A - Outbuildings At Ashtree House, High Street, Nawton, Helmsley

Supporting documents:


14/01292/73A - Variation of Condition 04 by replacement of drawing Reference 0610103 Amendment B by drawing no. PL/156/03, Variation of Condition 12 by replacement of drawing 0610103 Amendment B by drawing nos PL/156/03 and PL/156/01 and Variation of Condition 13 to list the following approved plan(s): drawing nos. 0610102 Amendment A, PL/156/01, PL/156/02 and PL/156/03 amendment to Ashtree House south elevation.




PERMISSION GRANTED - Subject to conditions as recommended.


[For 10                         Against 0                                 Abstain 0]



14/01300/FUL - Wuthering Heights, 15 Main Street, Ebberston, Scarborough

Supporting documents:


14/01300/FUL - Change of use of dwellinghouse (C3) to a mixed use of dwellinghouse, bakery (B1) and retail (A1) (retrospective application) - Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only.




PERMISSION GRANTED -Subject to conditions as recommended with the exception of condition 1 which was removed so that a  full planning permission was granted.


[For 10                         Against 0                                 Abstain 0]




In accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct Councillor Mrs Sanderson declared a personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.


14/01398/FUL - 13 Commercial Street, Norton, Malton

Supporting documents:


14/01398/FUL - Change of use and alteration of former office to form a 2 bedroom dwelling, to include bricking up of shop front and installation of 2no. vertical sliding sash timber windows and front and rear entrance doors.




PERMISSION GRANTED - Subject to conditions as recommended.


[For 8                           Against 1                                 Abstain 0]



In accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct Councillors Maud and Richardson declared a personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial interest. Councillor Mrs Burr declared a disclosable pecuniary interest and left the room.


TPO Appeals Working Party

Supporting documents:




The following Members be appointed to the TPO Appeals Working Party:

Chairman of Planning Committee,

Vice Chairman of Planning Committee,

Councillor Maud,

 Ward Member(s)


[For 10                         Against 0                                 Abstain 0]



Any other business that the Chairman decides is urgent.


There was no urgent business.


List of Applications determined under delegated Powers.

Supporting documents:


The Head of Planning & Housing submitted for information (previously circulated) which gave details of the applications determined by the Head of Planning & Housing in accordance with scheme of Delegated Decisions.





Meeting Closed 10.20pm