Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday, 9th October, 2014 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton

Contact: Simon Copley  277

Recording: Listen to the recording

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Hicks and Legard.


Public Question Time


There were no public questions.



To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 4 September 2014.

Supporting documents:


That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 4 September 2014 were presented.




That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 4 September 2014 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.




Urgent Business

To receive notice of any urgent business which the Chairman considers should be dealt with at the meeting as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There were no items of urgent business which the Chairman considered should be dealt with as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


Declarations of Interest

Members to indicate whether they will be declaring any interests under the Code of Conduct.


Members making a declaration of interest at a meeting of a Committee or Council are required to disclose the existence and nature of that interest.  This requirement is not discharged by merely declaring a personal interest without further explanation.


There were no declarations of interest.



To receive any announcements from the Chairman, the Leader and/or the Head of Paid Service.


The Chief Executive Janet Waggott  made the following announcements:

·        That the road closure details for the Plusnet Yorkshire Marathon were available on the website.

·        That the Galtres Festival funding allocation had been incorrectly reported in the press.  That the details given were for last year and not the current year.


To Receive any Questions submitted by Members Pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 10.2 (Questions on Notice at Full Council)

From Cllr Clark to the Chair of P&R


Could the Chair of Policy and Resources please inform Council how well the ‘Picture Pickering’ consultation is proceeding?


From Cllr Clark to the Leader of Council


Does the Leader of Council agree with proposed cuts suggested by the Fire Authority to Ryedale District Council?


1.            Councillor Clark submitted the following question.

To Councillor Mrs Cowling, the Chairman of Policy and Resources


Could the chair of Policy and Resources please inform Council how well the ‘Picture Pickering’ consultation is proceeding ?


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Mrs Cowling replied:


‘Well John. I'd like to thank you first of all for asking this question because it's nice to be able to report back on how well Pickering is doing. The Picture Pickering consultation isn't actually proceeding. It was a one day event and the issues that were raised on that day feed into the work that our Officers now do. The results of the consultation is used and is  what is proceeding and if we could we could have a quick trot through some of the successes in Pickering. It was a very good day - the Picture Pickering event -  I think all 4 Pickering district councillors attended it and a number of other councillors were there as well. A lot of the issues which were raised were to do with traffic management, road humps and the condition of the road which John you might be able to report on better than me , you being an NYCC County Councillor. Other issues were - a lot of people were concerned about 2 sites in particular in Pickering that were quite untidy. One was the local cinema which a lot of you will be aware now is being demolished and being turned into a new development. The other was the coal yard and that is now a thriving Lidl store which is very well used in Pickering and I have to say has had a very positive impact on Pickering for lots of different reasons. For some reason, ever since the day that Lidl opened Pickering is much busier, it's eased the parking situation - I think they have about 40 car parks at Lidl - and that's freed up the car park on the Ropery in Pickering so that's had a very positive impact.


There were comments about improving the quality of the market. Well I regularly go up the market on a Monday and I have to say that since officers implemented  the work to monitor the mix of stalls on the market it is really good. There is a fabulous mix of stalls on the market and the farmers market on a Thursday once a month is also a very good event in Pickering.


A lot of people asked about improved provision of open spaces and the open space up Whitby Road is continuing. We're working with officers from Ryedale, we're working with Pickering Town Council to use Section 106 money to improve that space.


Improving circulation around the town. I didn't really know what was meant by that but I do know that the rephasing of the traffic lights at the Ropery has certainly improved traffic movement around that area.


Parking issues around the town have always been of great concern  ...  view the full minutes text for item 61.


To Receive a Statement from the Leader of the Council and to Receive Questions and Give Answers on that Statement

Supporting documents:


Councillor Mrs Cowling, the Leader of the Council, presented the following statement:


“What an interesting time since we last met as Council.


The result of the Scottish Referendum has continued to set ripples through various regions and sub regions.  The discussions taking place about devolution and devolved powers are taking place more regularly than ever at Leaders’ meetings at the regional and sub regional level.  This is linked to the other agendas including Combined Authorities and the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP about proposed joint committees are discussions we continue to consider for and about Ryedale District Council.


We continue to work with the LEP via Julian’s good offices to promote rural schemes particularly those most closely linked to Ryedale and those which have a wider impact on the surrounding area.


At the Local Government North Yorkshire and York (LGNY&Y) meeting the Director of Public Health’s Annual Statement and Report was presented. A copy of this report is in the Members’ Room if you are interested. There are 7 main recommendations to the report which have an impact on Ryedale.  Another interesting report was the City of York’s Local Plan which as a near neighbour is important to us in terms of highways infrastructure and housing.


Tonight we concentrate our energy on the Budget Strategy for the Council and I would personally like to place on record my thanks to Peter and the team for firstly preparing this Strategy and for getting a clean bill of health from the Auditor and the Audit Committee. A great achievement under lots of pressure.


This weekend is ‘War Weekend’ in Pickering so another opportunity for Ryedale to promote its many opportunities and attractions including the Book Festival in Malton.


I have attended a couple of events at Derwent Training Association.  The first was to meet the new intake and the second was last night to help present some of the awards to apprentices who are progressing through their apprenticeships.


There is increasing interest from Authorities within North Yorkshire and York on alternative methods of delivering appropriate housing for local people who cannot afford to buy houses.  This issue was discussed at the LGNY&Y Housing Board and a housing summit was proposed at the LGNY&Y Board meeting.


Last but not least those of you who managed to attend last Thursday will have seen the presentation from our new leisure provider, SLM – Everyone Active.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Board and staff of CLL for providing a splendid service to our communities over many years and for a smooth handover to the new operator.”





The following questions were received on the Leader’s Statement:


1.    From Councillor Wainwright.


‘Within your statement you talk about the War Weekend in Pickering and the Book Festival in Malton providing an opportunity for Ryedale to promote its many opportunities and attractions. Another one of those  opportunities and attractions in Ryedale is the Hovingham village market which takes place the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 62.


To consider for Approval the Recommendations in respect of the following Part 'B' Committee Items:

Policy and Resources Committee –25 September 2014


Minute 25 – Constitutional Changes: Electronic submission of Notices on Motion and revision of deadlines for questions on notice (page 19)


[Under Council Procedure Rule 23.2 the above item will, when proposed and seconded, stand adjourned without discussion to the next Ordinary Meeting of Council on 18 December 2014.] 


Minute 26 – Budget Strategy (page 25)

Supporting documents:


 Policy & Resources Committee – 25 September 2014

Minute 25 – Constitutional Changes: Electronic submission of Notices on Motion and revision of deadlines for questions on notice.


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Cowling and seconded by Councillor Arnold that the following recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee be approved and adopted.


(i) The addition of the wording shown in italics below to Council Procedure Rule



Except for motions which can be moved without notice under Rule 12, written

notice of every motion, signed by at least two Members, must be delivered to

the proper officer not later than 5pm, eight working days before the date of

the meeting. These will be entered in a file open to public inspection.


Written notice of motions may be given by email, from a email

address. Signatures are not required in these instances but consent must be

received from each Member who has put their name to the motion by email from a email address.


(ii) The addition of the wording shown in italics below to Council Procedure Rule



A motion or amendment to rescind a decision made at a meeting of Council

within the past six months cannot be moved unless the notice of motion is

signed by at least one quarter of the whole number of Members of the



Such notice of motions may be given by email, from a email

address. Signatures are not required in these instances but consent must be

received from each Member who has put their name to the motion by e mail

from a email address.


(iii) The addition of the wording shown in italics below to Council Procedure Rule



A Member may only ask a question under Rule 10.2 or 10.3 if either:

(a) he/she has given notice in writing of the question to the Proper Officer

not later than 5pm, eight working days before the date of the meeting;



(b) the question relates to an urgent matter, he/she has have the consent

of the chairman to whom the question is to be put and the content of

the question is given to the Proper Officer by 12 noon on the day of

the meeting. An urgent matter must be one which the Member could

not have reasonably known about eight working days before the date

of the meeting and which must be dealt with before the next ordinary meeting of Council.



That the motion to amend the Council Procedure Rules then stood adjourned without discussion to the next Ordinary Meeting of Council, to be held on Thursday 18 December 2014, under Council Procedure Rule 23.2.


Minute 26 – Budget Strategy


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Cowling and seconded by Councillor Arnold that the following recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee be approved and adopted:


That Council be recommended to approve the following strategy for the preparation of the 2015/2016 budget:


(i)            Proposals to be brought forward for a 1.99 increase in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63.


Representation on Outside Organisations

To appoint a representative and substitute to the board of the Ryedale Folk Museum.


To appoint a representative and substitute to the board of the Ryedale Folk Museum.


It was moved and seconded that the representative to the board of the Ryedale Folk Museum be Councillor G Acomb and the substitute be Councillor Mrs J Frank.




That the representatives of the Ryedale Folk Museum are;


Representative : Councillor G Acomb

Substitute : Councillor Mrs J Frank


Voting record

17 votes for

5 Abstain




Any other business that the Chairman decides is urgent.


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.00pm