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Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item '20/00770/OUT - Land at Sutton Grange Langton Road Norton'
Councillor C Goodrick
- Personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial
Councillor E Hope
- Personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial
Councillor J MacKenzie
- Personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial
Councillor J R Bailey
- Personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial
Councillor J Windress
- Personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial
Councillor M J T Cleary
- Personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial
Councillor M Potter
- Personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial
Councillor P J Andrews
- Personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial
Councillor S P Mason
- Personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial
Councillor SNR Thackray
- Personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial