Officer delegated decisions


The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations came into force on 5 August 2014. The Regulations require officers to produce written records of decisions they make.


The principal provisions relating to the recording of decisions by officers are:


A decision making officer must produce a written record of any decision which falls within what is paragraph 7(2) of the Regulations. Paragraph 7(2) provides a decision which falls within this paragraph if it would otherwise have been taken by the relevant local government body or committee but it has been delegated to an officer of that body either:



We have identified the express delegations to all officers. The express delegations are included in our Constitution under Part 3 - Responsibility for Functions.The delegations are to:



Decisions published

25/08/2021 - Exempt Information ref: 474    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Licensing Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 25/08/2021 - Licensing Sub Committee

Decision published: 01/09/2021

Effective from: 25/08/2021


The Chairman referred to the Legal Officer, who outlined exclusion of the public and asked Mr Paterakis if he wished to exclude the Public.




There was no application for the exclusion of the public.



25/08/2021 - Members to determine an application from Mr Manolis Paterakis for grant of renewal for Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence No. HCV 003 (Vehicle Registration M8 ANO) ref: 475    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Licensing Sub Committee

Made at meeting: 25/08/2021 - Licensing Sub Committee

Decision published: 01/09/2021

Effective from: 25/08/2021



The Chairman introduced those present at the hearing: the members of the Sub-Committee, the Applicant (Mr Manolis Paterakis), the Senior Licensing Officer presenting the report, the Legal Adviser, and the Committee Clerk.


13/07/2021 - Minute 8 - Review of the Provision of 3 Hours Free Car Parking following Member Motion in April 2021 ref: 472    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 13/07/2021 - Council

Decision published: 31/08/2021

Effective from: 13/07/2021


It was moved by Councillor Clark and seconded by Councillor Joy Andrews that the following recommendation be approved and adopted:


That no changes be made to the arrangements for car parking charges in Ryedale and fees continue to be charged.


Councillor Paul Andrews proposed and Councillor Thackray seconded the following amendment:



And a report be produced to Policy and Resources Committee with proposals for implementing the recommendations of the Car Parking Working Party.


Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.


Voting record

12 For

1 Against

12 Abstentions


Recorded vote


Councillors Joy Andrews, Paul Andrews, Brackstone, Clark, Frank, Keal, Mason, Middleton, Potter, Riby, Thackray and Wass


Councillor Cleary


Councillors Bailey, Cussons, Delaney, Docwra, Duncan, Garbutt-Moore, Goodrick, Graham, King, Mackenzie, Oxley and Raper


Upon being put to the vote the substantive motion, as amended was carried.




That no changes be made to the arrangements for car parking charges in Ryedale and fees continue to be charged and a report be produced to Policy and Resources Committee with proposals for implementing the recommendations of the Car Parking Working Party.


Voting record

10 For

14 Abstentions


Recorded vote


Councillors Joy Andrews, Paul Andrews, Brackstone, Clark, Frank, Mason, Potter, Riby, Thackray and Wass.


Councillors Bailey, Cleary, Cussons, Delaney, Docwra, Duncan, Garbutt-Moore, Goodrick, Graham, Keal, King, Mackenzie, Middleton, and Oxley.


It was proposed by Councillor Frank and seconded by Councillor Clark that Procedure Rule 8.1 be suspended to allow the meeting to continue past three and a half hours.


Voting record

7 For

18 Against


            Recorded vote


Councillors J Andrews, P Andrews, Brackstone, Clark, Frank, Potter and Wass


Councillors Bailey, Burr, Cleary, Cussons, Delaney, Docwra, Duncan, Garbutt-Moore, Goodrick, Graham, Keal, King, Mackenzie, Mason, Middleton, Oxley, Riby and Thackray