Agenda item

14/00734/MFUL - OS Field No 1811, Cawton Road, Gilling East, Helmsley


14/00734/MFUL - Establishment of a farmstead to include erection of a four bedroom agricultural workers dwelling with detached double garage/store with room above, erection of cattle shed and machinery/feed store and excavation of an attenuation basin/pond, formation of stoned area for external feed storage and vehicular access and landscaping with use of the existing general purpose agricultural building to include for livestock housing.






[For 5                           Against 2                                 Abstain 1]




In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillors Hope, Windress, Mrs Burr, Mrs Goodrick, Mrs Frank and Mrs Sanderson declared a personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial interest. Councillor Cussons declared a personal and prejudicial interest and left the room.

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