Agenda item

12/00884/MFUL - Teasdale Potato Store, Hungerhill Lane, Wombleton, Kirkbymoorside


12/00884/MFUL - Change of use and alteration of existing potato store to wood fuel handling/storage and distribution within Area 1 and a mixed use of potato storage/touring caravan storage within Areas 2 and 3 to include installation of a 5m high sliding door to south elevation to serve Area 1.




PERMISSION REFUSED – For the following reasons:

(i) Adverse impact on highway safety.

(ii) Adverse effect on the amenities of residents in the nearby village of Wombleton

(iii) Adverse impact on the character of the open countryside and local tourism.


Decision contrary to Officer Recommendation.

In considering the application within the context of the policies of the recently adopted Local Plan Strategy read as a whole and all other material considerations, Members of the Planning Committee considered there to be greater impacts arising from the HGV traffic impact and intensity of use.


In the exercise of its statutory discretion to determine planning applications in accord with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise the Planning Committee weighed all the material considerations of this case in the decision making balance and reached a planning judgement that weighed in favour of refusal.


In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillor Windress declared a personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.


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