Agenda item

Safer Ryedale Partnership Review


The Head of Economy and Housing submitted a report (previously circulated) in order to provide a context for the Safer Ryedale Partnership Review.


Members were reminded that following the recommendation from the Constitution Review Working Party, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been designated the Council’s crime and disorder overview and scrutiny committee, and as part of this work the Committee were requested to review the Safer Ryedale Partnership and also consider what scrutiny of crime and disorder they would like to undertake at future meetings.


A copy of the Safer Ryedale Partnership Plan 2008-2011 was appended to the report along with the Memorandum of Understanding and Co-operation.  The Partnership had been formed in 1998 as a result of the Crime & Disorder Act, it was a statutory body comprising partner organisations with the duty placed on them to work together to reduce crime and disorder and associated issues.   The Statutory Partner agencies were:

  • Ryedale District Council
  • North Yorkshire County Council
  • North Yorkshire Police
  • North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
  • North Yorkshire Police Authority
  • York and North Yorkshire Primary Care Trust
  • National Parks Authority


The Corporate Director chaired the Board and Membership was outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding and Co-operation.  The Board approved the Strategy and Action Plan, reviewed performance information and was currently involved in the preparation of the Joint Strategic Information Assessment.  Councillors Hope and Maud represented the Council on the Board.


The delivery team was chaired by the Economy and Community Manager, and the team met quarterly to review progress against the Action Plan, approve bids for funding and prepare papers for the Board.


The Council currently expended £70,930 on community safety activity, largely on the Community Safety Manager post.  In addition the Partnership had two part time officers, funded through Government Office and partner grant aid.


The Partnership managed funding of £113,000 in 2009/10 to pursue its priorities.  This funding was likely to be reduced considerably in 2010/11 as funding was allocated according to crime levels.  The Partnership had agreed to investigate closer working and a possible merger with the Ryedale Local Strategic Partnership.  This had been prompted in part by the retirement of the Council’s Community Safety Manager and should this proposal proceed it was not intended to replace this post.


The Economy and Community Manager provided a further update on events since the publication of the agenda, the Ryedale Strategic Partnership had met, and as a result both the Safer Ryedale Board and Ryedale Strategic Partnership had agreed to proceed with the merger.  Further work was now to be carried out, and a report was to be brought to the January meeting of the Community Services Committee on the potential merger.


The Chair advised that in relation to the new role of the Committee as the Council’s designated crime and disorder overview and scrutiny committee, it would be beneficial to invite Inspector Hutchinson to a future meeting.




·       That the report be noted.

·       That Inspector Hutchison be invited to the next meeting of the Committee.

·       That Inspector Hutchison be consulted on the requirements and frequency of meetings in relation to the work required by the crime and disorder overview and scrutiny committee, preferably before the next meeting.

Supporting documents: