Agenda item

To consider for Approval the Recommendations in respect of the following Part 'B' Committee Items:

Commissioning Board – 6 June 2013


Minute 13 – Capital Funding for Derwent and Ryedale Pools (page 11)


Policy and Resources Committee – 20 June 2013


Minute 8 – Tour de France – Financial Contribution (page 17)


Minute 9 – Ryedale Development Fund – Major Projects (page 47)


Commissioning Board – 6 June 2013


Minute 13 – Capital Funding for Derwent and Ryedale Pools


It was moved by Councillor Arnold and seconded by Councillor Mrs Hopkinson that the following recommendations of the Commissioning Board be approved and adopted.


That Council be recommended to approve the sum of £365,000 in the Capital programme for works to Ryedale and Derwent Pools for the period up to 31 March 2017.


Councillor Mrs Cowling moved and Councillor Fraser seconded the following amendment:


That this item is referred back (with the exception of essential works to replace the flat roof at Derwent Pool which will be delegated to the Head of Environment in consultation with the Chairman of Commissioning Board)  to Commissioning Board  for further information.   This information to include costs of the essential works in order of priority to enable an informed decision to be made regarding the future of Derwent  Pool.


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was carried.


Councillor Clark then moved and Councillor Woodward seconded a further amendment to delete the following wording:

(with the exception of essential works to replace the flat roof at Derwent Pool which will be delegated to the Head of Environment in consultation with the Chairman of Commissioning Board)


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was lost.


Upon being put to the vote the motion was then carried.




That this item is referred back (with the exception of essential works to replace the flat roof at Derwent Pool which will be delegated to the Head of Environment in consultation with the Chairman of Commissioning Board)  to Commissioning Board  for further information.   This information to include costs of the essential works in order of priority to enable an informed decision to be made regarding the future of Derwent  Pool.


Policy and Resources Committee – 20 June 2013


Minute 8 – Tour de France – Financial Contribution


It was moved by Councillor Mrs Cowling and seconded by Councillor Mrs Shields that the following recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee be approved and adopted.


That Council is recommended to approve a contribution of £10,000 to the Tour De France Grand Départ staging costs in 2014 financed from the unallocated revenue provision.


Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.


Recorded Vote


Councillors Acomb, Paul Andrews, Arnold, Collinson, Mrs Cowling, Cussons, Mrs Frank, Fraser, Mrs Goodrick, Hawkins, Hicks, Mrs Hopkinson, Maud, Mrs Sanderson, Mrs Shields, Wainwright and Windress



Councillors Joy Andrews, Clark, Ives, Richardson, Walker, Ward and Woodward



Councillors Mrs Burr and Mrs Keal




That Council approve a contribution of £10,000 to the Tour De France Grand Départ staging costs in 2014 financed from the unallocated revenue provision.


Minute 9 – Ryedale Development Fund – Major Projects


The following recommendations of the Policy and Resources Committee were considered for approval and adoption:


That Council is recommended to approve that:


i. Subject to the specified conditions being met, delegation be granted to the Head of Economy and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee, to award up to £25k of the RDF Major Projects funding towards the progression of each of the following initiatives:

   a) Malton Livestock Market – (This award to be as an interest free loan)

   b) Milton Rooms Improvement

   c) Fera Applied Innovation Campus; and


ii. That a report be presented to a future meeting of this Committee to consider the remaining funding for the deferred projects;  Employment Land at Pickering, Investigation of a Kirkbymoorside Engineering Park, High Speed Broadband to Ryedale Business Parks, Expansion of Derwent Training and A64 Improvements.


These moved, seconded, debated and voted on in parts.


Councillor Mrs Cowling moved and Councillor Acomb seconded recommendation i.a).  Upon being put to the vote, the motion was then carried.


Councillors Mrs Cowling moved and Councillor Mrs Burr seconded recommendation ii.b).


Councillor Mrs Goodrick moved and Councillor Clark seconded the following amendment:


To add at the end of b) Milton Rooms improvement


that the result of that options appraisal is considered by the P&R committee, together with information of the work necessary to progress the preferred option prior to the implementation of the delegated approval.


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was carried.


Upon being put to the vote the motion was then carried.


Councillor Mrs Cowling moved and Councillor Acomb seconded recommendation i.c).  Upon being put to the vote, the motion was then carried.


Councillor Mrs Cowling moved and Councillor Acomb seconded recommendation ii.  Upon being put to the vote, the motion was then carried.




That Council approved:


i. Subject to the specified conditions being met, delegation be granted to the Head of Economy and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee, to award up to £25k of the RDF Major Projects funding towards the progression of each of the following initiatives:

   a) Malton Livestock Market – (This award to be as an interest free loan)

b) Milton Rooms Improvement - that the result of that options appraisal is considered by the P&R committee, together with information of the work necessary to progress the preferred option prior to the implementation of the delegated approval.


   c) Fera Applied Innovation Campus; and


ii. That a report be presented to a future meeting of this Committee to consider the remaining funding for the deferred projects;  Employment Land at Pickering, Investigation of a Kirkbymoorside Engineering Park, High Speed Broadband to Ryedale Business Parks, Expansion of Derwent Training and A64 Improvements.

Supporting documents: