Agenda item

Call in - Ryedale Tourism Advisory Board


At the last meeting of the Commissioning Board held on the 26 January 2012 consideration had been given to the above item (agenda item 8, recommendation 2.1 (i) a)).  A copy of the report presented to the Commissioning Board had been previously circulated.  The Commissioning Board had resolved:



(i)   That the following recommendation of the Ryedale Tourism Advisory Board be not endorsed;

a)   The ‘Y Charter’ mark be used for businesses engaged in Council funded activities, in addition to other recognised Quality Assurance marks;


(ii)   That the following recommendations of the Ryedale Tourism Advisory Board be endorsed;

b)   There should be ongoing investment in the development of the website, using existing budgets;

c)   Ryedale District Council commits to the partnership approach established in the VHEY ERDF bid ‘Partners for Growth’;


(iii)  The timetable for the relocation of Malton TIC be noted.


The Chairman reported that, in accordance with the procedures detailed in the Council’s Constitution, the above decision, which had not yet been implemented, had been called in for review by the Committee. 


The call in had been initiated by the Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee as he did not believe that the ramifications of this decision were fully understood by the Committee members. He was of the opinion that the Council had a policy to support, wherever possible, local business, and this decision was contrary to that policy.





            In light of a call in by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee of the decision by the Commissioning Board on the 26 January, agenda item      8, recommendation 2.1 (i) a), the Scrutiny Committee requests that the             Commissioning Board consider again their decision not to endorse the          Ryedale Tourism Advisory Boards recommendation of the ‘Y charter         mark’ be used for businesses engaged in Council funded activities, in   addition to other recognised Quality Assurance marks.


            The Scrutiny Committee draws to the attention of the Commissioning Board further information received from Officers around the report and        meeting notes when the matter was considered by the Tourism          Advisory Board on the 15 September 2011.  This stated that:


            The group discussed the Y Charter and felt that the self certification was not a quality mark, but did provide a necessary minimum standard.

            Concerns were expressed about a move away from the Visit Britain   quality standard, as this could lead to a general drop in quality of            provision in Ryedale.  However the VB standards were also changing        and it would be harder to achieve a gold rating.  Smaller          establishments will find it hard to afford the schemes.

            In addition, it was suggested that the Y Charter could be adapted for             attractions.

            It was agreed that the TICs can promote non QA property that does   have the Y Charter rating, whilst recognising that this is not a quality            mark.  This will be taken back to the RDC Commissioning Board as a     proposal supported by the TAB.


            Therefore the Scrutiny Committee believe that the Y charter should be             endorsed by Ryedale District Council to ensure a cost effective certification scheme which ensures legitimacy of accommodation             provider and a standard of service.


Supporting documents: