Agenda item

Scrutiny Reviews Progress Report - Healthy Weight and Post Offices


The Head of Transformation submitted a report (previously circulated) in order to present the progress achieved to date with the scrutiny reviews currently being undertaken.


Members had previously commissioned two scrutiny reviews and the terms of reference had previously been agreed by this committee for each of these, and were appended to the report.


Post Office Review


Following a very productive meeting with a local sub postmaster, which had provided a greater understanding of the business, contact had been made with a Post Office Programmes Stakeholder Manager, with a view to meeting the Task Group to discuss:

·        Sustaining a rural network

·        The future of Ryedale’s Outreach Services

·        The ‘local model’ and current pilot studies

·        Local Government Services at post offices and the benefits of these in more remote branches.

·        Customer satisfaction with services they now receive after the closure programme and their current patterns of use.


Questionnaires were being developed for approval at the next Task group meeting which would be used to engage with general post office customers and customers of outreach services.


Actions still to be taken included:

·        Meeting with a provider of the mobile services in an area of Ryedale

·        Meeting with a representative of the Post Office network

·        Finding out more about the potential for the proposed model of the “Post Office Local”

·        Discuss links to future changes to one stop shops and the access to services programme with NYCC and partners.

·        Study use of payment cards.


Health Weight Review


Following the presentation by Greg McGrath, Health Improvement Manager for NHS North Yorkshire & York, the Healthy Weight Task Group had reviewed his recommendations and supporting evidence from the study undertaken by the Centre for Public Scrutiny.  One of the key finding was, for a review to be successful; it needed to focus on a specific area.


The situation was improving in Ryedale in relation to childhood obesity, as a result of a concerted effort from partners across the public sector. 


The Task Group had reviewed the issue of obesity in adults; statistically levels of adult obesity in Ryedale were the second highest in North Yorkshire.  Discussions around participation in sport and physical activity in Ryedale, led the group to question whether the crucial age of deciding whether to be involved in an activity or not happened after leaving school between 16-25.  The task group had concluded that this would be a beneficial are to focus on.


Activities following the meeting included:

·        Investigate whether any research had been undertaken nationally around lapsed participation in sport and physical activity at this age.  What were the key findings and recommendations?

·        If no research had been undertaken, the task group felt it would be beneficial to undertake the research in Ryedale.

·        Depending on the outcomes of the research, the Group could investigate practical ways the Council could help improve adult participation across all age groups.


The next Post Office Scrutiny Review Task Group will be held on the 28 February 2011 at 6.30pm, followed by the Healthy Weight Scrutiny Review Task Group meeting on Tuesday 8th March 2011 at 6.30pm.




a.    That the progress and dates of the future meetings of the task groups be noted.

b.    That the aim of the Healthy Weight Scrutiny Review be amended to say:

·        Research levels of activity undertaken by adults aged between 16 and 25

·        Depending on the outcome of this research, to investigate practical ways the Council can help improve levels of adult participation.



Supporting documents: