Agenda item

Livestock Market Project - Request for approval to proceed


It was moved by Councillor Keal and seconded by Councillor Burr that the following recommendations be approved;


That Council be recommended to:


a) Express their support for progressing with the ‘Core’ Livestock Market project based on the estimated costs as referenced in the sixth paragraph of section 7.1 a) of either:

(i)         incorporating climate change mitigation measures: or

(ii)        not incorporating climate change mitigation measures;


b)   For the period of time remaining until Vesting Day confirm delegated approval for the Programme Director for Place and Resources in consultation with the S.151 Officer and the Chair of Policy and Resources Committee, to

(i)         Apply for funding and enter into grant funding agreements (as appropriate);

(ii)         Negotiate appropriate terms and enter into the Transaction Agreement with the landowners for the acquisition of the Livestock Market Site;

(iii)      Approve the appointment of APP to undertake RIBA Stage 3 ‘Developed Design’ work (including undertaking further surveys, investigations and more detailed designs) SUBJECT TO entering into the Transaction Agreement;


c) Due to the importance of Malton Livestock Market to the local economy, and given that implementation of any Livestock Market project will fall within the purview of North Yorkshire Council, Members may wish to request formally that North Yorkshire Council continues to progress the project following Vesting Day on 01 April 2023 with a view to its implementation at the earliest possible opportunity including:

(i)         Ringfencing the existing capital allocation of £1.65m from the District Council;

(ii)        Supporting work to identify other funding opportunities and to secure the remaining funding as necessary;

(iii)      Concluding site negotiations and entering into Transaction Agreement (if not already completed by 31 March);

(iv)      Appointing APP to undertake RIBA Stage 4 ‘Technical Design, Preparation of Tender Information’;

(v)       Procurement and appointment of contractors to construct the facility;

(vi)      Negotiate and enter into appropriate legal agreements with an Operator.


Councillor Mason proposed and Councillor Keal seconded the following amendment;


To remove (ii) from recommendation a)


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was carried.


Voting record

13 For

1 Against

4 Abstentions


Upon being put to the vote the substantive motion was carried.




That Council;


a) Expressed their support for progressing with the ‘Core’ Livestock Market project based on the estimated costs as referenced in the sixth paragraph of section 7.1 a)

(i)    incorporating climate change mitigation measures


b)   For the period of time remaining until Vesting Day delegated approval be confirmed for the Programme Director for Place and Resources in consultation with the S.151 Officer and the Chair of Policy and Resources Committee, to

(i)    Apply for funding and enter into grant funding agreements (as appropriate);

(ii)     Negotiate appropriate terms and enter into the Transaction Agreement with the landowners for the acquisition of the Livestock Market Site;

(iii)   Approve the appointment of APP to undertake RIBA Stage 3 ‘Developed Design’ work (including undertaking further surveys, investigations and more detailed designs) SUBJECT TO entering into the Transaction Agreement;


c) Due to the importance of Malton Livestock Market to the local economy, and given that implementation of any Livestock Market project will fall within the purview of North Yorkshire Council, Members formally requested that North Yorkshire Council continues to progress the project following Vesting Day on 01 April 2023 with a view to its implementation at the earliest possible opportunity including:

(i)      Ringfencing the existing capital allocation of £1.65m from the District Council;

(ii)     Supporting work to identify other funding opportunities and to secure the remaining funding as necessary;

(iii)   Concluding site negotiations and entering into Transaction Agreement (if not already completed by 31 March);

(iv)   Appointing APP to undertake RIBA Stage 4 ‘Technical Design, Preparation of Tender Information’;

(v)    Procurement and appointment of contractors to construct the facility;

(vi)   Negotiate and enter into appropriate legal agreements with an Operator.


Voting record

13 For

3 Against

2 Abstentions


Recorded vote

For: Councillors J Andrews, Arnold, Burr, Clark, Cussons, Frank, Keal, Mason, Middleton, Potter, Raine, Wass and Windress

Against: Councillors Dowcra, Duncan and Goodrick

Abstentions: Councillors Mackenzie and Oxley


Supporting documents: