Agenda item

Allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy funds


It was moved by Councillor Keal and seconded by Councillor Middleton that the following recommendation be approved (Minute 34 Policy and Resources Committee 25 August 2022);


      i.        Council approves the preference for allocation of CIL funding through a new scheme with a broader eligibility framework that would cover a range of community infrastructure schemes such as those identified in the appendices to the report.


     ii.        Members approve the development of CIL Funding Protocol (including an Expression of Interest stage, scheme eligibility / criteria and final application process) for determining eligible CIL funded schemes and the allocation of these funds in line with the proposal set out at s6.8 to 6.15, with delegated authority given to the Director of Place and Resources, the S151 officer and Chair of Policy & Resources to approve the protocol.


    iii.        The CIL funding available to be allocated as a result of this paper should not exceed the current CIL funds received to date with any existing commitments upheld and the total amount available for allocating reduced accordingly. Any CIL funds received after this time will be subject to further agreement by Members; and


   iv.        Delegated authority is given to the Director of Place and Resources in consultation with the S151 officer and Chair of Policy & Resources to approve CIL funding applications following consultation with a CIL focussed grants working party. Further information be provided to Council regarding the CIL focussed grants working party.


The Chair explained that an email had been sent to the Chief Executive and the Chair of Policy and Resources Committee from Richard Flinton, Chief Executive of North Yorkshire County Council and Councillor Les, Leader of North Yorkshire County Council regarding this matter. This had been shared with him and Group Leaders in advance of the meeting. The email, attached to these minutes, was subsequently distributed at the meeting with time given for all councillors present to consider the content. The email outlined North Yorkshire County Council’s concerns regarding the proposed procedure and qualifying criteria for applications for CIL funding.


Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.




That Council approves;


(i)  The preference for allocation of CIL funding through a new scheme with a broader eligibility framework that would cover a range of community infrastructure schemes such as those identified in the appendices to the report.


(ii) Members approved the development of CIL Funding Protocol (including an Expression of Interest stage, scheme eligibility / criteria and final application process) for determining eligible CIL funded schemes and the allocation of these funds in line with the proposal set out at s6.8 to 6.15, with delegated authority given to the Director of Place and Resources, the S151 officer and Chair of Policy & Resources to approve the protocol.


(iii) The CIL funding available to be allocated as a result of this paper should not exceed the current CIL funds received to date with any existing commitments upheld and the total amount available for allocating reduced accordingly. Any CIL funds received after this time will be subject to further agreement by Members; and


(iv) Delegated authority be given to the Director of Place and Resources in consultation with the S151 officer and Chair of Policy & Resources to approve CIL funding applications following consultation with a CIL focussed grants working party.


Voting record

12 For

3 Against

1 Abstention


Recorded vote

For: Councillors J Andrews, P Andrews, Arnold, Clark, Cussons, Frank, Keal, Mason, Middleton, Oxley, Potter and Wass

Against: Councillors Docwra, Duncan and Mackenzie

Abstention: Councillor Cleary

Supporting documents: