Agenda item

20/01120/MFUL - Land At Cornborough Road Sheriff Hutton York




The vote was to refuse the application contrary to officer recommendation

Following the vote to refuse the application, the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services requested that the decision be deferred to the next Planning Committee Meeting, in accordance with the Council’s published constitution, which states the following:


·Where the Planning Committee indicates that it is minded not to accepted the officers’ recommendations, the application be deferred to the next Planning Committee where so requested by the Specialist Service Lead.


Therefore the application would be brought back to the next available meeting for further consideration.


Voting Record

4 For Approval

5 Against Approval

0 Abstentions



In accordance with the Members Code of Conduct Councillor Hope declared a personal, non-pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.



Councillors Hope and Windress left the meeting at 20:39

Supporting documents: