Agenda item

20/01181/FUL - Land Off Hungerhill Lane Wombleton

Item 13 contains the Local Planning Authority response, and a statement required in respect of non-determination appeal relating to planning application.


Decision in Relation to the Non-determination Appeal


Following consideration, questions and debate Members of the Council’s Planning Committee resolved to not endorse the Officer recommendation. Instead the Council request that should the Planning Inspector be minded to allow the appeal the planning permission be subject to the schedule of 19 conditions and informatives (included with the Officer report) and that, in addition, consideration is given to including the condition as requested by Mr Eden Blyth on behalf of the objectors to the application


Voting Record

5 For

0 Against

3 Abstentions



In accordance with the Members Code of Conduct Councillor Potter declared a personal, non-pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.

Supporting documents: