Agenda item

18/00580/MFUL - Field Off Hungerhill Lane Wombleton




PERMISSION REFUSED – Contrary to Officer recommendation


The proposed development is considered to have an adverse impact on landscape contrary to Policy SP13 of the adopted Ryedale Plan Local Plan Strategy. Furthermore the development is considered too close to the operational runway raising safety issues, detrimental to existing adjacent land uses and contrary therefore to Policy SP20 of the adopted Ryedale Plan Local Plan Strategy.



Members wished to refuse permission contrary to officer recommendation after having fully considered the officer report and following extensive debate on the merits of the application.


In the exercise of its statutory discretion to determine planning applications in accord with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise, the Planning Committee weighed all the material considerations of this case in the decision making balance and reached a planning judgement that weighed in favour of refusal.


Voting Record

5 For

3 Against

1 Abstention



In accordance with the Member’s Code of Conduct, Councillors P Andrews and Councillor Windress declared a personal, non-pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.

Supporting documents: