Agenda item

To Councillor Duncan, Leader of Council, from Councillor Potter

“With reference to the potential cattle market site at Riggs Road:


1.    What enabling development was agreed by RDC with the Fitzwilliam Trust Corporation (FTC) in return for their offer of land for a cattle market?

2.    How many separate sites and how many hectares of land were involved in this enabling development?

3.    What is the approximate value of that land as:

i.              In its original planning status

ii.             Development / building land

4.    What was the additional planning gain collectively from those enabling developments, other than the offer of land for the cattle market, in terms of S106, CIL or any other agreements?”


To Councillor Duncan, Leader of Council, from Councillor Potter.


2.            Councillor Potter submitted the following question:

“With reference to the potential cattle market site at Riggs Road:


1. What enabling development was agreed by RDC with the Fitzwilliam Trust Corporation (FTC) in return for their offer of land for a cattle market?

2. How many separate sites and how many hectares of land were involved in this enabling development?

3. What is the approximate value of that land as:

i.  In its original planning status

ii.  Development / building land

4. What was the additional planning gain collectively from those enabling developments, other than the offer of land for the cattle market, in terms of S106, CIL or any other agreements?”


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Duncan replied:


1 The FTC did not make an offer of land to anyone for a cattle market.  The Malton Cluster applications that were submitted identified an area that could accommodate a livestock market and agri-business as part of the larger commercial development at Eden Camp.  However that land was not gifted to anyone as part of the planning permission.


2. Four applications were submitted in 2014 on four separate sites.  These were:

Reference 14/00426/MOUTE commercial development at Eden Camp (17.8 hectares total) - including a substantial surface water drainage facility.

Reference 14/00427/MOUTE.  Outline pp for circa 227 dwellings at The Showfield Pasture Lane Malton (Circa 11.9 hectares)

Reference 14/00428/MOUTE. Outline pp for circa 35 dwellings on land south of Westgate Old Malton (Approximately 2.0 ha). Note part of this site was the former highway depot and derelict Coronation farm yard)

Reference 14/00429/MOUTE. Outline pp for 50 affordable dwellings Rainbow Lane, Malton (Circa 3.4 ha) All of the dwellings on this site are affordable and the site is being developed by Broadacres.


There is a detailed S106 agreement that relates to all four applications which was finally agreed in March 2015. The content of the agreement is publicly available and can be viewed online.


3. This is commercially sensitive and can be shared with Members privately, if required.


4. In terms of planning gain/ developer contributions these are set out in full in the S106.  We had not adopted CIL at this point and there are no other agreements in place that involve the Council.  In summary:


·         The main S106 contributions cover education, POS and Highways contributions towards Brambling Fields

·         The three residential sites make contributions to Education at a rate of £3399/ dwelling for primary education and £1338/dwelling for secondary education.

·         Highways contributions are £30k for the Rainbow Lane and Old Malton Sites, £172.5k for the Showfield site and £150k for the commercial development at Eden Camp

·         POS contributions are £38,170 from  the Old Malton Site and £165k from the Showfield site


The S106 does of course also include a sum of £1,019m towards the provision of a new livestock market and associated infrastructure- again this is set out clearly in the S106 agreement.


Councillor Potter then made the following statement:


The approximate value of land in planning for the original planning status and that value of development or building land I don’t see why that should come under exempt or be commercially sensitive because that is surely common knowledge to any estate agent around town.