Agenda item

Motions on Notice Submitted Pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 - Motions Previously Referred to and Considered by Committees - Proposed by Councillor Paul Andrews and seconded by Councillor Raine

Referred by Full Council on 27 June 2019 and considered by Planning Committee on 13 August 2019


(Officer report and recommendation from Planning Committee attached, details of motion below.)


“In view of the increase in traffic congestion at Malton/Norton likely to be generated by the imminent increase in the number of trains using the Level Crossing at Norton and other matters and the increase and/or likely increase in congestion in Malton/Norton resulting from new development and planned new development; and


In view of the impact or potential impact of new development on the quality of air within the Air Quality Management Area on and around Butcher Corner;



In view of the adverse impact of the Ryedale Plan on the number of sites available for development by small local builders,


An independent planning consultant be appointed by the Council Chair in consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive; and


the consultant be given immediate and urgent instructions to do all necessary work (including public consultation and reference to any public examination) to advise on and to secure, so far as is practicable, the following:


The Ryedale Plan be revised as follows:


  1. To restrict the percentage of land to be allocated in Malton and Norton for residential development to zero for the rest of the plan period, following the grant of permission for 1,800 houses for the period commencing 1st April 2012;
  2. To reduce to zero the future proportion of employment land directed to Malton and Norton following the allocation of sites in the allocations document;
  3. To reduce the future proportion of employment and housing land directed to other Ryedale towns following the allocation of sites in the allocations document;
  4. To remove the requirement for a local occupancy condition for dwellings built or to be built in village envelopes;
  5. To expand the existing village envelopes and town development limits, initially to the areas which were included in village envelopes and town development limits prior to the last Ryedale Local Plan (dated 2002);
  6. In order to accommodate demand for development in excess of the numbers currently prescribed in the Ryedale Plan, to expand all village envelopes so as to accommodate at least 60% of all new development for the remainder of the plan period of the Ryedale Plan.
  7. To abolish service villages;
  8. The current local plans allocation document be revised to include a requirement that no land for new development shall be allocated in Malton/Norton  unless it has direct access to a four-way intersection with the A64;
  9. The land allocated for development at Ryedale House be de-allocated;
  10. Such other modifications as may be necessary to deal with the above points and to ensure that the villages and country areas of Ryedale take their fair share of new development.”


N.B. Members will see that (with the exception of the Ryedale House site) the above proposals will not stop the allocation of sites already identified, but will protect Malton, Norton and other towns from any major developments which may come forward after the land currently identified is exhausted – as the plan now stands Malton and Norton will have to take 50% of all new development after the completion of the current district wide requirement of permissions for 3,000 houses plus 20%.


In the meantime, the liberalisation of the restrictions for development in the villages will take the pressure off Malton and Norton and other towns.


Referred by Full Council on 27 June 2019 and considered by Planning Committee on 13 August 2019


The officer report and recommendation from Planning Committee were attached to the agenda.


“In view of the increase in traffic congestion at Malton/Norton likely to be generated by the imminent increase in the number of trains using the Level Crossing at Norton and other matters and the increase and/or likely increase in congestion in Malton/Norton resulting from new development and planned new development; and


In view of the impact or potential impact of new development on the quality of air within the Air Quality Management Area on and around Butcher Corner;



In view of the adverse impact of the Ryedale Plan on the number of sites available for development by small local builders,


An independent planning consultant be appointed by the Council Chair in consultation with the Deputy Chief Executive; and


the consultant be given immediate and urgent instructions to do all necessary work (including public consultation and reference to any public examination) to advise on and to secure, so far as is practicable, the following:


The Ryedale Plan be revised as follows:


  1. To restrict the percentage of land to be allocated in Malton and Norton for residential development to zero for the rest of the plan period, following the grant of permission for 1,800 houses for the period commencing 1st April 2012;
  2. To reduce to zero the future proportion of employment land directed to Malton and Norton following the allocation of sites in the allocations document;
  3. To reduce the future proportion of employment and housing land directed to other Ryedale towns following the allocation of sites in the allocations document;
  4. To remove the requirement for a local occupancy condition for dwellings built or to be built in village envelopes;
  5. To expand the existing village envelopes and town development limits, initially to the areas which were included in village envelopes and town development limits prior to the last Ryedale Local Plan (dated 2002);
  6. In order to accommodate demand for development in excess of the numbers currently prescribed in the Ryedale Plan, to expand all village envelopes so as to accommodate at least 60% of all new development for the remainder of the plan period of the Ryedale Plan.
  7. To abolish service villages;
  8. The current local plans allocation document be revised to include a requirement that no land for new development shall be allocated in Malton/Norton  unless it has direct access to a four-way intersection with the A64;
  9. The land allocated for development at Ryedale House be de-allocated;
  10. Such other modifications as may be necessary to deal with the above points and to ensure that the villages and country areas of Ryedale take their fair share of new development.”


N.B. Members will see that (with the exception of the Ryedale House site) the above proposals will not stop the allocation of sites already identified, but will protect Malton, Norton and other towns from any major developments which may come forward after the land currently identified is exhausted – as the plan now stands Malton and Norton will have to take 50% of all new development after the completion of the current district wide requirement of permissions for 3,000 houses plus 20%.


In the meantime, the liberalisation of the restrictions for development in the villages will take the pressure off Malton and Norton and other towns.


An amendment was moved by Councillor P Andrews and seconded by Councillor Burr:


Delete the original motion (except 1 – 10).


1.     The policies proposed in the motion are considered and tested through the development plan renew process.

2.     The review of the Ryedale Plan be carried out by independent consultants engaged and instructed by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of P&R.


The amendment was put to the vote in parts.


Upon being put to the vote both parts of the amendment were lost.


Voting record

Part 1

11 For

13 Against


Part 2

4 For

18 Against

2 Abstentions


Upon being put to the vote, the motion was lost.


Voting Record

9 For

13 Against

2 Abstentions

Supporting documents: