Agenda item

15/00781/73AM - Gravel Pit Farm, Sand Hutton, York


15/00781/73AM - Variation of Condition 05 of application 14/00709/MFUL as allowed by appeal APP/Y2736/A/14/2226293 dated 26.05.2015 to allow an increase of 6,500 tonnes of grass silage feed stock per annum to give a total of 20,000 tonnes of grass silage feed stock per annum in addition to the 12,150 tonnes of Cattle FYM and 900 tonnes of chicken manure per annum.




PERMISSION GRANTED - Subject to conditions as recommended and the revision to the wording of Condition 12 in respect of the Digestate Management Plan.


[For 6                           Against 1                                 Abstain 2]



In accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct Councilor Goodrick declared a personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.


Meeting Closed at 7.05pm

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