Venue: Meeting Room 1, Ryedale House, Malton. View directions
Contact: Lily Hamilton 43455
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mackenzie. |
Minutes from the previous meeting Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Flood Management Working Party held on 6 September 2022 were approved.
Voting record General affirmation |
Environment Agency update Joe Allan, Nick Appleyard and Becky Preston, Flood and Coastal Risk Management Advisors, will provide an update on the flood management projects for Ryedale. Minutes: Joe Allan, Nick Appleyard, James Hesketh, and Becky Preston, Flood Risk Management Advisors updated the Working Party on:
- The Malton and Norton River Defence Review, works ongoing to check conditions of these defences. - Ongoing works taking place in the Malton and Norton area including, Wallgate, Wall – near Priorpot Beck, and a vertical wrapped embankment. - The proactive approach which ensures work is taking place before a problem occurs. - The focus the Environment Agency is placing on working in partnerships and the benefits of this. - Dispersed communities having an increased risk in comparison to populated communities. - Work taking place to investigate current river asset stock, in order to sustain projects. - The move to a structured, evidence-based model to develop a North Yorkshire wide catchment capital programme to maximise opportunities and analyse benefits for people and the environment. - The overarching consistent approach which is being utilised throughout 13 different areas, with a 5 step conceptual model in each area, in order to ensure all areas across North Yorkshire have needs and opportunities examined. - Future work including the Derwent/Rye overview to be looked at in 23/24.
The Working Party raised questions surrounding the Wallgate wall repairs, the likelihood of funding Natural Flood Management in the upper catchment, and the ongoing maintenance needed for “woody dams”.
Fryton update Beckie Bennett, Head of Waste and Environment, will share an update on works that have been undertaken by the community to prepare for flooding, and a feasibility study by the Yorkshire Derwent Catchment Partnership which has been commissioned. Minutes: The Head of Waste and Environment provided an update to the Working Party on works that have been undertaken within the Fryton community to prepare for flooding, and a feasibility study by the Yorkshire Derwent Catchment Partnership which has been commissioned and undertaken:
The Fryton Community have recently received a Ryedale District Council Flood Grant to provide funding towards a series of flood mitigation improvements. There are a number of conditions to meet to access the total funding requested including confirmation that a portable pump will provide suitable flood mitigation. Officers will continue to liaise with the with the Parish Council and Fryton Flood Group providing support and advise as necessary.
The Chair of the Working Party agreed to check to see if any Property Level Resilience Work to the affected properties in Fryton had been undertaken following the watertight survey and offer of financial support by the Malton Rotary Club.
The Yorkshire Derwent Catchment Partnership Funding contribution requests towards a total scheme cost for Fryton of £40,000 following the feasibility study and an annual funding contribution by Ryedale District Council will be an agenda item at the next Flood Management Working Party meeting. If there is support to make either or both of these financial contributions any, recommendations would be made to the Policy and Resources Committee in February 2023.
Yorkshire Water update Beckie Bennett, Head of Waste and Environment, will provide an update on YW projects within Ryedale, including proposed pumping station in Norton.
Minutes: The Head of Waste and Environment provided an update to the Working Party on Yorkshire Water Projects within Ryedale, including delays with progressing the proposed pumping station project in Norton and Brawby:
A meeting of the Ryedale Multi Agency Flood Group had taken place on November 2022 which had many positive outcomes including a commitment from all partners to continue with this meeting into the future. It had also been agreed to hold a separate meeting for Yorkshire Water to share the outcomes from the Malton and Norton Drainage Study that they had been commissioned following the flooding event in 2020/21.
In addition, due to the flooding affecting the Ryedale district, the ongoing work with partners, communities and elected members is being used as pilot, with the objective being to develop a model of best practice for localities within North Yorkshire.
The Working Party asked if Yorkshire Water could be asked to provide more clarity on their investment plans for permanent solutions to the two Community Flood Groups in Norton and Malton as it is important that there is good communication with communities affected by flooding. The Head of Waste and Environment agreed to follow this up and will ask a Yorkshire Water representative to attend the next meeting of the working party.
Kirkbymoorside newsletter Grace Lawes, Senior Resilience & Emergencies Officer, will share a newsletter which is going to be issued to residents at risk of flooding in Kirkbymoorside. Supporting documents: Minutes: Grace Lawes, Senior Resilience & Emergencies Officer shared a community newsletter which is going to be issued to the residents of Keldholme and Kirby Mills who have experienced flooding in the past. This newsletter has been produced following a request by Kirkbymoorside Town Council to raise awareness of the responsibilities of individual property owners.
This newsletter informs residents of what each agency is responsible for when it comes to flooding, as well as providing further details of ongoing projects specific to the area.
Since the FM Working Party meeting this newsletter has been updated and a new version of this can be found in Annex 1.
The Working Party raised concerns surrounding listed building consent being an issue within this area.
Annex 1 Supporting documents: |
Pump replacement update Beckie Bennett, Head of Waste and Environment, will provide a verbal update on the status of updating and replacing the current pump fleet. Minutes: The Head of Waste and Environment provided a verbal update on the status of updating the current pump fleet. The Working Party were reminded that Yorkshire Water made a contribution (together with NYCC and RDC as part of the Malton and Norton and Old Malton Flood Alleviation Scheme) towards the replacement of all the very old pumps with new silent and reduced emission portable pumps. A compliant replacement plan is currently being explored by the NYCC procurement team. |
Action Plan 2022/23 update Beckie Bennett, Head of Waste and Environment, will provide a verbal update on the progress of delivering the 2022/23 action plan including completed actions and live actions.
Minutes: The Head of Waste and Environment provided a verbal update on the progress of the 2022/23 flood management action plan and the development of short medium and long term actions for the Ryedale locality to be taken forward by the new North Yorkshire Council. |
Dates of future meetings Tuesday 24th January Tuesday 7th March (Proposed changed to Monday 6th March)
Minutes: - Tuesday 24 January 2023 - Monday 6 March 2023 |
Any other business Minutes: The Head of Waste and Environment informed the working party of the national flood exercise taking place this week which the North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum were taking part in including all district and borough Councils, which was being used as an opportunity to test the command and control structure proposed for the new North Yorkshire Council.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:30pm. |