Venue: Meeting Room 1, Ryedale House, Malton. View directions
Contact: James Draper 318
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: No apologies for absence |
Urgent Business To receive notice of any urgent business which the Chairman considers should be dealt with at the meeting as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There was one item of urgent business which the Chairman considered should be dealt with as a matter of urgency relating to a play area project in Ampleforth.
The reason for urgency was that, due to a technical error, the Council has been asked by the applicant to reconsider the % intervention rate for the project, although still the same amount of S106 grant awarded in October 2017. |
Declarations of Interest |
Section 106 Grant Application - S106 - 009 Malton Community Sports Centre Fitness Suite Pages 303 to 358 of the agenda for 5 November 2018 refers Supporting documents: Minutes: Recommendation approved subject to the following conditions;
1. RDC Standard Conditions 2. That no funds will be drawn down until the full funding package is in place and secure 3. That the RDC Section 151 Officer work with the Community Sports Centre to ensure close scrutiny of the project. 4. Progress reports to be made to the Grants Working Party at all scheduled meetings. 5. If the funding package is not in place by the agreed deadline, the allocated funding to be returned back to the Grants Working Party to be re-allocated to other projects. 6. Any amendments to the current application to be re-considered by the Grants Working Party and Malton Town Council 7. The Community Sports Centre to update the current Business Plan (to be circulated) 8. The ongoing commitment and prioritisation to the rehabilitation activity should be agreed with officers in advance of the grant being paid. 9. Public access to the facility must be clearly stated and secured 10. The grant should be open for a set period of time (12 months) to enable MCSC to seek match funding |
Any other business that the Chairman decides is urgent Minutes: S106 – 012 Ampleforth Playing Field, Equipment. Approved. The total project cost is £78,000 and so a grant of £50,000 would be 65% intervention rate. |