Agenda and draft minutes

Flood Risk Management Liaison Group - Monday, 8th October, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Ryedale House, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH. View directions

Contact: Nicki Lishman  476

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Wainwright.



Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2018 were agreed as a correct record.


Update from North Yorkshire County Council


Emily Mellalieu gave the following update:


·         Revising SUDS guidance, which will be out to consultation at the end of October 2018 and presented to the NYCC Executive in December 2018. This includes developing a culvert protocol

·         Growth bid to be submitted to the LEP for £500k – the economic assessment has been received which appears satisfactory. The application was due by 31October 2018

·         Joint management procurement option on how the flood plan is managed for O&M going forward (currently with NYCC procurement) – a decision is needed on this when ready [RDC action]

·         Property level resilience still an option for households affected

·         A fixed term 1 year contract to deliver the Malton/Norton/Old Malton scheme will be offered next year. This will be an NYCC and RDC joint post, subject to funding

·         Surface water solutions for the Rye and a study in Kirkbymoorside is looking at options for flood mitigation

·         Exploring a beaver trial in Cropton Forest and ongoing maintenance issues around natural flood risk management measures

·         Natural Flood Management is not a national policy - inspection and maintenance is an  issue.  Scotland not taking this approach – NYCC will share the contact details of the EA representative who gave an update at the Pickering Slow the Flow meeting


Update from the Yorkshire Derwent Partnership


Emily Mellalieu gave the following update:


·         NFM test projects being delivered, at a nominal value of £50k – Thornton le Dale, Sinnington, Gilling East, Hovingham and Kirkbymoorside are all attached to NYCC projects linked to national schemes and are expanding the knowledge base and case building

·         The partnership was meeting on Friday 12 October 2018


Update from the Environment Agency


The following update was provided by representatives of the Environment Agency:


·         Ian Cooke was working on an asset management strategy for the Environment Agency to achieve ISO 55000 accreditation and recognised as a leading asset management organisation

·         James Hesketh was working in the area for the next year and is currently learning about the area

·         Silt, trees or sewerage in rivers should be reported to the incident hotline 0800 80 70 60. Monitoring teams will review incidents and works will be programmed on the level of risk

·         The tree works project at Newsham Bridge was due to start (November 2018) and in Jan/Feb 2019 in Malton town centre

·         Desilting was being considered at Kirby Mills and Pickering

·         Ongoing finishing off at Beck House and Community Centre, Pickering

·        Reservoir work planned to rectify minor defects

·         Vale of Pickering modelling remains in progress by JBA – including a broad scale model and three smaller area models of Thornton le Dale, Helmsley and Kirby Mills. No timescales for completion were available at present

·         River Rye bank stabilisation work being investigated (due to start November 2018)

·         Project at the sea cut Mowthorpe Weir in Scarborough Borough Council was being investigated

·         Dean Hambley from EA keen to get info on NFM at Pickering for inclusion in the EA mapping system, however the EA would not be responsible for maintenance

·         Priorpott pumping station wall erosion was being examined - temporary repairs were to be done. Waiting for a longer term solution due to the age of the asset and considering a whole life cycle approach to flood defences

·         Chris Bowles had previously undertaken research into Vale of Pickering/Rye catchment - interested in results of the modelling when they were available

·         It had been requested to update the pump plan to include provision of tarpaulin(s)

·         Desilting work to take place in Hovingham upstream of the ford where the channel has narrowed in recent years. Works still to finalise but hoping to take place before Xmas


Update from Yorkshire Water


Yorkshire Water (YW) provided the following update for the minutes of the meeting:


·         Yorkshire Water are currently undertaking a modelling study for the Malton catchment to understand the risk from the sewer network and any issues with capacity on the network. Their consultants were currently in the final stages of building the model and It was expected to have this in Summer 2019. Once the model is received, a series of rainfall events would be run through the model to understand how their sewer network reacts to these rainfall events, and any areas of the network that may need to be captured on their business risk systems. This model will provide evidence for conclusions and will not be available for other organisations to comment

·         YW were aware of a local incident in Norton following on from a rainfall event in September. A We a network investigation has been carried out into this incident and it was planned to update Cllr Keal on the findings from this investigation


Update from the Internal Drainage Board


Chris Bowles from the Internal Drainage Board (IDB) gave the following update:


·        Riggs Road Drain (RRD) was investigated. The builders were de-watering and pumping into a settlement facility when there had been a disaster and water came out of outlet point into RRD. The IDB were assured that the site manager would clear the ditch, which was done last week. There remains a large amount of white silt in the ditch and the culvert at Eden Camp is half full.Charles Vivienne will ensure Marshalls pick up the cost if IDB undertake the clearance

·         Middle Deep Dale (1300 houses) – the ongoing monitoring continues (IDB in liaison with SBC who still have 1 year of S106 funding)

·         New development at Cayton of 3000-4000 new houses - meeting with Scarborough Borough Council (SBC) - construction due to start late 2019 now at scoping stage of EIA - assured SBC will be looking for lower run off rates than Middle Deepdale as planning regulations have changed. SUDS come with the problem of maintenance and no one wants to take this on. The IDB view is there needs to be a master plan that all developers follow.IDB concerned about the flow into the Hertford, which I drains into the Ryedale area. The IDB wishes to continue to coordinate between each organisation as currently and it would be helpful if Cllr David Jeffels (SBC) could attend a future meeting

·         Cllr Raper meeting with Gary Housden, Specialist Services Lead at RDCon 9 October 2018 to discuss SBC issues - Chris Bowles to attend if possible

·         Work was being undertaken at Newsham Bridge with EA - big bank erosion project


Update from Ryedale District Council


Beckie Bennett gave the following update:


  • In September 2018 training was undertaken in Malton with all agencies including the Fire Service (FS) on the use of the YW pump. More sessions are planned to cover all FS watches
  • No further flood grant applications have been received since last reported (Malton, Norton and Brawby)
  • RDC continues to work closely with partners particularly Emily (NYCC) and her team to move forward with outstanding works
  • Looking at options and new ways of working to increase resilience 
  • Quick wins are being progressed, which include cameras on County Bridge and the cat well in Old Malton
  • Stakeholder engagement is still a priority for the future and RDC hope to plan an event or newsletter to share all the good news to our communities


Any other business


Tadcaster Bridge repairs work is nominated for an international award


For consideration


·         More than one stakeholder event a year is needed

·         Invite Councillors at officer group meetings

·         Invite Malton and Norton TC.  Consider which other organisations/representatives should be encouraged to attend

·         Value and appreciate NYCC attending - encourage NYCC Cllrs to attend

·         Consider a newsletter/update to reach a wider audience


Request for action


Please could any partners and organisations invited to present updates to these meetings confirm their attendance at future meetings or send a written update for the agenda.



Date of next meeting(s)


6 February 2019.