Agenda and minutes

Flood Risk Management Liaison Group - Tuesday, 18th October, 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Meeting Room 1, Ryedale House, Malton. View directions

Contact: Nicki Lishman  476

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Cowling and S Edwards (IDB).


Minutes of the previous meeting

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 30 June 2016 were approved as a correct record.


Update from Yorkshire Partnership Board


Karen Saunders, Partnership Facilitation Officer, River Derwent Catchment Partnership, gave a presentation on background and objectives of the Yorkshire Derwent Partnership (see attached).


The North York Moors National Park Authority has submitted a Heritage Lottery Fund bid for a project on the River Rye and is working with partners, building collaboration and gathering information.

Presentation by Karen Saunders from the Yorkshire Derwent Partnership

Supporting documents:


Update from North Yorkshire County Council


Emily Mellalieu from North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) gave an update on work to date.


The Ryedale Flood Management Project, funded by the Environment Agency (EA) and led by NYCC will;


·         identify partners including landowners adjacent to the Derwent to consider impacts downstream, commission consultants to look at natural flood risk management

·         consider projects that work on the wider catchment areas

·         look at engaging stakeholders such as landowners to contribute to any funding deficit

·         engage Mouchel to develop/update the Arup report. NYCC was asked when the works recommended by the report would commence. In response, NYCC advised that, at this time, no programme had been planned, finance was not in place and no timetable to raise funding had been planned

·         liaise with the developer of Woodlands Park, Pickering to address issues with drainage. The Internal Drainage Board have provided advice to Pickering Town Council on solutions and all are in negotiation with the developer

·         consider resolutions to issues on Water Lane, Duggleby


Work on clearing ditches by landowners at Manor Vale, Kirkbymoorside has made a marked improvement.


No specific work was planned at Brawby.


Any information or studies by other agencies which would inform ongoing projects were welcomed by NYCC.


Update from the Environment Agency


Ian Cooke of the Environment Agency (EA) gave an update on work to date.


Work was due to start on clearing trees from Butterwick bridge to Ness and through Malton and Norton. The EA was working with the IDB to clear weeds at Ganton.


·         All recovery work following the December 2015 floods was not yet completed

·         The banks at Old Malton, Pickering and Normanby had been rebuilt

·         Remedial works at Priorpot Beck were ongoing

·         Investigation work at Maudon Grove, Norton to remove debris and reline the culvert was planned and it was hoped that local residents could be recruited to report any future build up of debris due to makeshift bridge building etc

·         Flood defences at Mill Beck had been repaired and would continue to be monitored to identify the cause of the breaches

·         Remedial work to cover exposed timber in the foundation of County Bridge was planned


It was agreed to provide group members with written detail of all local works by the EA.


No work was planned at Rye Mouth as there is no obvious blockage, except for repeating a survey of the silt build up for comparative purposes.


A wider catchment study for the Vale of Pickering was planned to help identify all flood defences, assist with mapping, breach analysis, improve flood warnings and procedures. The study will show areas where problems are likely and how the catchments work.



Update from the Vale of Pickering Internal Drainage Board


Chris Bowles from the Internal Drainage Board gave an update on work to date.


·         It was pointed out that recovery following the December 2015 floods took priority however, sediment at Rye Mouth was a major land drainage issue for farmers

·         The IDB's catchment modelling was offered to the EA and it was hoped that sharing of information would continue for future projects

·         Flow monitoring was continuing at Middle Deepdale to compare pre and post development results

·         Once the archeological survey had been received, the Yedingham restoration project was complete and on receipt of a permit it was planned to start construction in November

·         It was reported that following a meeting between the operators of KM8 and NYCC regarding concerns about possible frack water leaks, the risk management measures in place made that highly unlikely. Monitoring would take place as per legal requirements

·         Clearance work of the channel at The Cut Old Malton had been completed and was now clear down to Tate Smiths at County Bridge to improve surface drainage

·         Following an agreement by the EA to fund the IDB, clearance work had been undertaken at Costa Beck and landowners were delighted with the result


Phil Fisher reported that the IDB had cleared the top section of Settrington Beck at the A64 at the request of Birdsall Estate and had overcome the breach and reduced potential problems at Brambling Fields.



Update from Ryedale District Council

·         Update from Beckie Bennett, Head of Environment, Streetscene and Facilities

·         Update from Councillor Mike Potter


Beckie Bennett, Head of Environment, Streetscene and Facilities reported that the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee's review of flood management would be presented to the November meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee and Full Council in December.


Cllr Potter reported that the Slowing the Flow project at Pickering continued to receive substantial interest both national and internationally and was influencing national policy on natural flood management.


Any other business


It was agreed to review the membership of the Group. Members would be contacted to obtain up to date contact details and to suggest other possible Group members.


Date of next meeting


Wednesday 8 February 2017 at 6.00 pm.