Agenda and draft minutes

Parish Liaison Meeting - Wednesday, 17th October, 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Ryedale House, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH. View directions

Contact: Faye Snowden 

Recording: Listen to the recording

No. Item




The Chairman welcomed representatives to the meeting and appropriate introductions were made.



Minutes of the Last Meeting of the Parish Liaison Committee Held on 30 May 2012

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the last Parish Liaison Meeting held on 30 May 2012 were presented.




That the minutes of the last Parish Liaison Meeting held on 30 May 2012 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a accurate record.



Matters Arising


A Parish representative commented on the lack of response to letters sent to RDC in relation to planning applications. The Chairman suggested that Parishes log the correspondence they send so if any letters go unanswered this can be actioned. A Councillor present at the meeting said that if Parishes do not get a response they must tell their local District Councillor.  Janet Waggott, Chief Executive, added that, this issue was something the Council had been made aware of and had taken steps to improve.


With reference to Minute No 26 (Closed Churchyards). Janet Waggott, Chief Executive, reported that, a report from Officers would be presented to Councillors for consideration at Full Council on the 1st November 2012. Three options had been put forward for consideration.


A Parish representative asked if an Officer from Ryedale District Council could attend the next Ryedale YLCA Branch Meeting to be held in February 2013 to give an update on Closed Churchyards. It was agreed an Officer would attend to give an update.


With reference to Minute No 25 (New Homes Bonus – Community Investment Fund). Malton Town Council put forward the following questions:

·        Has a review been undertaken of the current year scheme which has exposed weaknesses that this new proposal is designed to remedy?

·        Is this fund to be open for bids from the community and the Parishes, or is it to be administered solely at the will and discretion of the District Council?

·        Why has there been no consultation with, or even notice given to the parties that are engaged with this scheme currently, and have had, until now, a reasonable expectation of a continuation of the scheme for a further year in a similar if not identical format?

The Chairman explained that the questions asked would inform the debate at Full Council on 1st November 2012 and that there would be a full review of the scheme in January 2013.



Winter Services Presentation from Richard Marr NYCC Highways


Richard Marr, Area Manager for Ryedale and Selby - NYCC Highways, gave a presentation on Winter Maintenance Services.



Streetscene Update


Beckie Bennett, Streetscene Services Manager, gave an update on the following:

·        Parishes that wished to get equipment as part of the snow clearing scheme must fill in an application form now as there was little equipment left.

·        Tidy ups – the Council still supported community tidy ups and could supply equipment.

·        The new recycling service would be rolled out to 96% of Ryedale by the end of the month.



Boundary Commission for England


Gary Housden, Head of Planning and Housing, reported that the Constituencies for North Yorkshire, as recommended by the Boundary Commission, were to remain unchanged. However the final consultation period had not yet ended. A leaflet with more information was available at the meeting.



LDF Update


Gary Housden, Head of Planning and Housing, reported that the Inspector had requested further work be done to the Local Development Framework. The Council had been given 4 weeks from the closure of the last hearing session to submit the additional information. The additional information would then be circulated to interested parties in order that they could respond to the Inspector. It is not know whether any further hearing sessions will be necessary, however, it is hoped that an interim report will be produced by the Inspector before the end of the year. A leaflet with more information was available at the meeting.



Questions and Comments from the Floor


The representative from Sherburn asked if there had been any developments in respect of the recent wind farm application at Heslerton. Gary Housden, Head of Planning and Housing, reported that a site visit was planned. Following that the application would go to a Special Planning Committee meeting at a date to be arranged.

There were further questions relating to the wind farm application. Janet Waggott, Chief Executive asked for any concerns to be put in writing to the Council for their consideration at the appropriate Committee meeting.


The representative from Scrayingham asked if more correspondence, in particular planning documents, could be emailed to Parishes. Gary Housden answered that the Council had asked Parishes to provide their email address on three previous occasions. Unfortunately not all Parishes had but email addresses were welcomed in aid to speed up the process and to reduce costs.


The representative from Ampleforth asked when the register of interest forms would go on the Council website. Janet Waggott, Chief Executive agreed to confirm the arrangements with Legal Services.


A representative from Pickering Town Council enquired about the recent coal yard application. Gary Housden, Head of Planning and Housing, confirmed that the application for the car park had been refused and that enforcement action had been authorised at October’s Planning Committee Meeting.



Any Other Business


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8:45pm.



Date of Next Meeting


To be arranged and circulated.