Agenda and minutes

Parish Liaison Meeting - Wednesday, 26th October, 2011 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Ryedale House, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH. View directions

Contact: Simon Copley 

No. Item




The Chairman welcomed representatives to the meeting.


Emergency Evacuation Procedure

The Chairman to inform Members of the Public of the emergency evacuation procedure.


This was noted.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Maud and Raper and County Councillor Clare Wood.


Minutes of the Last Meeting of the Parish Liaison Committee Held on 15 June 2011

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the last Parish Liaison Meeting held on 15 June 2011 were presented.




That the minutes of the last Parish Liaison Meeting held on 15 June 2011 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.




Allocation of the New Homes Bonus


Copies of the resolution to Minute No 21 (New Homes Bonus) of a meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee held on 29 September 2011 were circulated at the meeting.  This set out the proposed use of the 2010/2011 New Homes Bonus which were to be recommended to the next meeting of Full Council.  In addition, a table of figures illustrating those parishes whose new homes had contributed to the current New Homes Bonus allocation was circulated to all those present.  This table had been submitted as an annex to the report to the Policy & Resources Committee.


Councillor Acomb, Chairman of Policy & Resources Committee, explained the implications of the legislation for Ryedale and reported that it was the Council’s intention that the monies received be allocated for the benefit of communities in the District. 


Suggestions from the representatives were invited and it was pointed out that any decision made following this meeting would be for the first year only.  It was anticipated that the monies would be available for six years, with a review being undertaken after year four.


The issue was discussed in detail and there was a general consensus that the monies should be allocated to those parishes who generated the bonus.  There was also a suggestion that, rather than restarting the small business grants scheme as proposed by Policy & Resources Committee,  consideration be given to establishing a loan scheme for small businesses, especially those generating jobs.  It was pointed out, however, that there were a number of one-man businesses who were not in a position to create extra jobs.  The view was also expressed that there should be some parish involvement in the allocation of any grants/loans.


Members will reconsider this matter at the meeting of Council to be held on 3rd November 2011.












Localism Bill - Update


The Head of Transformation and the Head of Planning gave a Powerpoint presentation Localism Bill and its implications for Ryedale under the following headings:


·        Community Empowerment

·        Strengthening Local Democracy

·        Social Housing Reform

·        Reform of the Planning System




Post Office Scrutiny Review


The Head of Transformation reported on the current position with the Post Office Scrutiny Review currently being undertaken by the Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee.  This was an evidence-based review and more than 1,500 responses had been received to the questionnaires that had been issued.  These were in the process of being analysed as part of the ongoing review.  It was noted that the Government had indicated its commitment to maintaining the existing network. 


In response to a question relating to Post Buses, the Head of Transformation undertook to look into the matter, although this was not part of the review.


Streetscene Update


Beckie Bennett gave an update on:


·        The Community Winter Maintenance Schemes

·        The new recycling service for cardboard and plastics.


All residents would receive an information pack relating to the new scheme.


It was agreed that more publicity be given to the availability of a wire basket for those people who were unable to handle the recycling box.


One of the Pickering representatives paid tribute to the excellent work carried out by Ryedale staff in clearing up after the recent War Weekend and his comments were to be passed on to the staff concerned.





Questions and Comments from the Floor


Richard Marr (NYCC) answered questions from the representatives from Willerby, Norton and Rosedale on problems relating to rainwater gullies at Staxton Hill, roadworks at Commercial Street and Plum Street, Norton and dangerous road conditions in Rosedale respectively.


A representative from Hovingham Parish Council had given written notice of questions relating to planning matters and these were answered by Gary Housden who gave an assurance that Parish views were not being disregarded.


Various questions were raised relating to the potential number of windfarms in the District.




Any Other Business


There was no other business


Date of Next Meeting


The Parish Liaison Meetings were now included in the Timetable of Meetings for the Council which had not yet been finalised and, therefore, the date of the next meeting would be advised as soon as possible.


(The dates proposed for the next meetings are 30 May and 24 October 2012.)


The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm