Venue: Council Chamber - Ryedale House, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH. View directions
Contact: Mrs Lynda Carter
No. | Item |
Welcome Minutes: The Chairman welcomed representatives to the meeting. |
Emergency Evacuation Procedure The Chairman to inform Members of the Public of the emergency evacuation procedure. Minutes: This was noted. |
Minutes of the last Parish Liaison Meeting held on the 3 November 2010 Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the last Parish Liaison Meeting held on 3 November 2010 were presented.
Resolved That the minutes of the Parish Liaison Meeting held on 3 November 2010 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a crrect record. |
"Love Where You Live" Campaign Presentation on Behalf of Keep Britain Tidy and DEFRA Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Steve Graham, from Wayfarer Associates on behalf of Keep Britain Tidy and DEFRA, who gave a Powerpoint presentation on the background, aims and objectives of the “Love Where You Live” campaign. The campaign, due to be launched in July 2011, aims to re-engage civic pride across communities.
The presentation outlined the country-wide campaign aims, which were, over a three year period, to encourage three million people and 3,000 organisations to sign up. The aims would be supported by television campaigns aimed at all audiences, a dedicated website and national weeks of action.
All partners would be expected to sign up to six principles to demonstrate their commitment.
Winter Maintenance Equipment Beckie Bennett, Streetscene Manager Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Richard Marr (NYCC), who reminded the Parish and Town representatives of the Winter Maintenance arrangements and outlined details of a scheme where Parish volunteers could support winter maintenance efforts within their own locale.
Parishes and Town Councils could agree to supplement NYCC’s efforts and would benefit from training, insurance advice and buying salt.
A report on the programme was due to be presented to NYCC’s Executive in July, which would explain the details of the programme and recommended to Councillors that it should be adopted at zero cost to the Council.
Any interested Parish/Town Councils were advised to contact Richard Marr directly.
Beckie Bennett, Streetscene Manager, advised Parish/Town Council representatives that Ryedale District Council had money set aside in the budget to contribute to Parish/Town Councils efforts to support winter maintenance. This could include the purchase of equipment including shovels, hi-viz jackets and gloves.
Any interested Parish/Town Councils were advised to contact Beckie Bennett directly.
A Powerpoint presentation was given, which described current Streetscene initiatives which included; • Keep It Clean awareness campaign on refuse collection vehicles • Litter point signs in lay-bys • Dog stencils in hot spots • Developing banners to enhance specific locations • Raise awareness and promote the Love Where You Live Campaign
In addition, the presentation went on to explain the scheduled roll out of plastic bottles and cardboard kerbside recycling. It was hoped that the representatives would advise their communities that only plastic bottles were suitable for including in the kerbside recycling scheme.
Another important change was the change to the boxes being used – plastic bottles and cans would go into the existing green box and only glass would go into a new black box. A fact sheet was distributed providing additional information about the planned additional recycling and a poster would be sent out in due course for display on parish/town council notice boards.
Householder Flood Resistance Grant Scheme Les Chapman – Head of Building Control Minutes: Clare Slater, Head of Transformation, gave apologies on behalf of Les Chapman, Head of Building Control, who was unable to attend.
Ms Slater requested that representatives left their email addresses to enable information on the scheme to be provided efficiently and effectively.
Information would be included in the Parish Update.
Localism Bill Update Clare Slater- Head of Transformation Minutes: Clare Slater, Head of Transformation, reported that progress on the Bill was slower than expected, therefore guidance on and the implications of the Bill were not yet available. It was hoped that more information would be available by the time of the next meeting in October 2011.
Details for further information would be included in the Parish Update
Matters Raised by Town & Parish Councils Wharram le Street Parish Council: · How can the collection of monies due to Parish Councils through developer contribution be improved? · How can villages with significant traffic problems get support from the Police, District and County Councils to solve the problems? · Following recent issues arising from the closure of the B1248 for resurfacing, how can we jointly invest in the improvement of communication with the District and County Councils?
Gate Helmsley Parish Council: · Cemeteries and Parishes
Minutes: A representative of Wharram le Street Parish Council submitted three questions as follows: 1. How can the collection of monies due to Parish Councils through developer contribution be improved? 2. How can villages with significant traffic problems get support from the Police, District and County Councils to solve the problems? 3. Following recent issues arising from the closure of the B1248 for resurfacing, how can we jointly invest in the improvement of communication with the District and County Councils?
Answers 1. Gary Housden, Head of Planning, explained how monitoring of contributions took place currently and also that the procedure was being reviewed with the support of the Transformation team.
2. Clare Slater, Head of Transformation, advised representatives to consider the use of the referral form available on the “Safer Ryedale” website. Richard Marr, NYCC, explained how NYCC assessed traffic issues and explained that resources were targeted to educate and enforce and engineered solutions were used in areas where there was a high personal accident history.
3. Clare Slater, Head of Transformation, advised representatives to ensure that email addresses for Parish/Town Clerks were made available to enable information to be quickly distributed. Richard Marr, NYCC, explained that it was hoped to have a programme of works available for distribution but that this had been delayed. It would be distributed to all interested parties when available. He also advised that information on works planned for up to three months in advance was available on the NYCC website at all times.
A representative of Gate Helmsley Parish Council asked for other Town and Parish Councils opinions of recent requests from the Parochial Church Council for Parish/Town Councils to take over the management of closed churchyards.
The general opinion was that the Parish Council was under no obligation to agree to the request.
Questions and comments from the floor Minutes: A number of representatives reported traffic problems including issues with road maintenance and speeding traffic and Richard Marr explained the NYCC position regarding highways matters.
A representative of Rosedale Parish Council reported ongoing problems with the repairs to the bridge in the village. Richard Marr would speak to the officer responsible for Bridge Management at NYCC and assured them that he would contact them regarding the situation.
Any other Business Following the close of the formal meeting, Officers will be available to discuss any particular issues or items arising from the meeting. Minutes: County Councillor Claire Wood and Simon Lealman, NYCC, explained the development of NYnet second generation broadband and the opportunity for three communities within Ryedale to take advantage of NYnet.
Representatives were directed to NYCC’s website for information which may help stimulate interest and enthusiasm for the project.
The Chairman reminded representatives of the benefits of providing email addresses to enable improved communication.