Agenda and draft minutes

Parish Liaison Meeting - Wednesday, 21st October, 2015 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Ryedale House, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH. View directions

Contact: Faye Snowden 

No. Item




The Chairman welcomed representatives to the meeting and appropriate introductions were made.



Emergency Evacuation Procedure

The Chairman to inform Members of the Public of the emergency evacuation procedure.


The Chairman informed Members of the public of the emergency evacuation procedure.



Minutes of the Last meeting of the Parish Liaison held on 10 June 2015

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the last Parish Liaison meeting held on 10 June 2015 were presented.




            That the minutes of the last Parish Liaison meeting held on the 10 June 2015         be approved and signed by the Chairman as an accurate record.


Matters Arising




What is Parish Liaison?

Beckie Bennett, Head of Environment, Streetscene and Facilities.

Supporting documents:


Beckie Bennett, Head of Environment, Streetscene and Facilities presented the Terms of Reference for the meeting.




CAVCA (Coast & Vale Community Action)

Sarah Sissons, Community Health Enabler, CAVCA.


A presentation was given by Claire Robinson, Funding & Development Manager, CAVCA. The presentation included an overview of the support CAVCA can provide to organisations and community groups. Claire introduced Sarah Sissions, Community Health Enabler to the meeting and gave an outline of her role. Clare asked that Parishes get in touch to find out more about how CAVCA can support there organisation or help to develop any ideas.




An update on the IER (Individual Electoral Registration) process

Simon Copley, Democratic Services Manager


Beckie Bennett, Head of Environment, Streetscene and Faciilities gave a brief update on the Individual Electoral Registration process. The annual canvass process is nearing its conclusion and the new electoral register will be published on 1 December 2015, concluding the transitional process to the new system of individual electoral registration.



North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service - Fire Cover Review

- Simon Wall, Brigade Chair

- Danny Westmoreland, District Manager


A presentation was given by Simon Wall - Brigade Chair at North Yorkshire Fire Brigade Union.


The presentation included an overview of the Unions concerns with the proposed changes and the possible increase in response time in Ryedale.


A presentation was given by Danny Westmoreland, District Manager North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.


The presentation included an overview of the proposed changes and how these would affect the Fire and Rescue Service in Ryedale and in particular the station at Malton. 


Both representatives asked that all comments be sent to Councillor Val Arnold before the Councillor consultation period ends on the 9th December 2015.


A parish representative asked if a basic guide to the review was available for Parishes to see in order to make fully informed comment.


Janet Waggott, Chief Executive responded that RDC would circulate more information to all the Parish and Town Councils.


An update from North Yorkshire County Council

- Changes in highways and transportation

- Parish Portal

- Data North Yorkshire

- Gritting


A presentation on Data North Yorkshire was given by Jonathan Walker, Business Intelligence Officer North Yorkshire County Council.


The presentation included an overview of how the site will be free for Parishes to use on a self-publishing basis. The presentation also included a demonstration of the website and the data available.


Parishes were reminded to get in touch with NYCC if they wished to join the service or for more information. Pass words and log in details will be sent out to those Parishes already part of the service in the next coming weeks.


Richard Marr, Highways Area Manager, North Yorkshire County Council gave an update on the Parish Portal. The portal is nearly ready to go live and Clerks will be able to log in, upload information and produce reports.


Richard Marr also gave an update regarding the grass cutting funding. The letters detailing how much Parishes will be able to claim will be going out to Parishes next week. If Parishes need to know figures before the letter arrives they can contact NYCC.


Richard Marr updated the Parishes with the new arrangement for winter gritting and the reduction in salt bins. Parishes have the option to purchase grit themselves.


A Parish representative asked if the grit assessment done on Fylingthorpe Road was correct as the area became impassable in bad weather.


Richard Marr responded that he would check the assessment done on Fylingthorpe Road.


An update on Devolution and Combined Authorities

Janet Waggott, Chief Executive


Janet Waggott, Chief Executive gave an update on the devolution and combined authorities and how this would possibly impact Ryedale. Future updates will be given as and when we learn more. Ryedale District Council will be represented at a meeting on Monday 26th October with Ministers and Representatives from other Authorities.


Questions and Comments from the floor




Any other business


There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.




Date of next meeting


The next meeting of the Parish Liaison Committee will be held on Wednesday 8th June 2016 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Ryedale House.