Agenda and minutes

Licensing Committee - Thursday, 26th November, 2009 6.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Ryedale House, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7HH. View directions

Contact: Mrs Lynda Carter 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs De Wend Fenton, Hope and Mrs Warriner MBE.



To approve as a correct record the minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 24 September 2009.

Supporting documents:




That the Minutes of the Licensing Committee held on 24 September 2009 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Urgent Business

To receive notice of any urgent business which the Chairman considers should be dealt with at the meeting as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There was no urgent business to consider


Declarations of Interest

Members to indicate whether they will be declaring any interests under the Members’ Code of Conduct.


Members making a declaration of interest at a meeting of a Committee or Council are required to disclose the existence and nature of that interest.  This requirement is not discharged by merely declaring a personal interest without further explanation.


Councillor Mrs Cowan declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 6, Hackney Carriage Table of Fares, as her son was a Taxi driver.


Taxi Licensing Task Group Progress Report

Supporting documents:


Members considered a report which updated them on progress being made exploring potential future service delivery options for the taxi licensing service.


At the meeting of the Committee on 23 July 2009, it was resolved that a review be undertaken to identify alternative options for delivering the taxi licensing service to ensure that economy, efficiency and effectiveness was secured for the future.


A series of taxi licensing Member task group meetings over 18 months had taken place, and a key outcome was the need to ensure value for money and efficient service delivery.  Discussions about the feasibility of an environmental health partnership between Craven, Harrogate, York, Selby, North Yorkshire Trading Standards and Ryedale were at a scoping stage.  The next stage would be the development of a business case which would be the subject of a separate report to the Community Services Committee in the future.


As this work was ongoing, future reports would be forthcoming.




That Members endorse the ongoing feasibility work examining service delivery options for the taxi licensing service.




In order that the review to identify alternative options for delivering the taxi licensing service can carry on.


Hackney Carriage Table of Fares

Supporting documents:


Members considered a report which informed them of the Hackney carriage table of fares for 2010/11.


Following consultation with hackney carriage drivers, it was felt that due to the recession, it was not necessary to increase fares that hackney carriages charge their passengers.  It was agreed that fares would be reviewed for 2011/12 in the future.




That there be no change to the current table of hackney carriage fares in 2010/11.




Due to the recession, it was not necessary to increase fares at this time.


Councillor Mrs Cowan declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item and did not take part in the discussion or vote thereupon.


Gambling Act 2005 - Setting of Fees

Supporting documents:


Members considered a report which sought approval for the setting of fees under the provision of the Gambling Act 2005.


The report outlined the background to the setting of fees, and informed Members that in each case, the fee determined by a licensing authority must not exceed a maximum fee specified in the relevant regulation.   The Act required that income from fees as near as possible equated to the costs of providing the service, meaning that the service should be cost neutral.  The suggested discretionary fees had been increased in line with the 2009/10 Revenue Budget and were annexed to the report.




That the level of fees as recommended in Annex B to the report be approved.




To keep the provision of the service as cost neutral as possible.