Issue - meetings

Progress on Scrutiny Review Recommendations

Meeting: 27/06/2013 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 16)

16 Progress on Scrutiny Review Recommendations

Supporting documents:


Considered – Report of the Council Solicitor.

A request was made that the topic of ‘the procedures used by officers in making recommendation to planning committees’ should be considered by the committee for a future review.  Advice will be sought on this matter in relation to the role and responsibilities of the O & S Committee.




That the progress with the current review be noted.


That the progress report for previous scrutiny review recommendations be noted.


That, the following topics be considered for the next scrutiny review for which officers will provide a scoping report to a future meeting of the Committee.

- Localism – are we making best use of the opportunities the Act presents to Ryedale    and the role of Council as enabler? 

- Empty properties and how these could be used to improve levels of homelessness in Ryedale.