Issue - meetings

Scrutiny Reviews Progress Report

Meeting: 07/07/2011 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 97)

97 Scrutiny Reviews Progress Report

Supporting documents:


The Head of Transformation submitted a report (previously circulated) in order to present the progress achieved to date with the scrutiny reviews currently being undertaken, and to open the discussion on the next topic for review.


Although both current reviews were nearing completion, some further meetings would be held, and Members were asked if they would like to be appointed to either of the existing scrutiny review groups. The date of the next meetings would be Post Offices Review Group at 6.30 pm on the 21 July 2011, and Healthy Weights Review Group at 7.30pm on the 21 July 2011.


In addition Members were asked to consider topics for future scrutiny reviews, and it was suggested that Renewable Energy and the Grant System would make excellent topics.




a.    That Councillor Mrs Shields, Cussons, Hawkins and Wainwright be appointed to the Healthy Weight Scrutiny Review Group.

b.    The Councillor Mrs Shields, Cussons, Wainwright, Windress and Hawkins be appointed the Post Offices Scrutiny Review Group.

c.    That those Members absent from this meeting be given the opportunity to join either review group.

d.    That scoping reports on both suggestions for future scrutiny reviews be brought to a future meeting.