Issue - meetings

Attendance at Policy Committees

Meeting: 07/07/2011 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 93)

93 Attendance at Policy Committees

Supporting documents:


The Corporate Director (s151) submitted a report (previously circulated) in order to provide Members with a draft rota for attendance to observe at policy committee meetings and to agree guidance to assist this process.


One of the four key legislative roles of the Committee was holding the Council’s decision makers to account.  In Ryedale’s case this meant examining the policy committee minutes, forward plans in detail and using call in or other mechanisms to comment on or intervene in the decision making process.  In order to be effective in this it has previously been agreed that Members of the Committee would take it in turns to attend both the Policy & Resources Committee and the Commissioning Board for the purposes of observation.


Draft guidance, a checklist and a draft rota were appended to the report.




            That the draft rota for attendance and the accompanying checklist be   agreed and incorporated within the Council’s Scrutiny Handbook.