Issue - meetings

Annual Report - Achievement Against Priorities

Meeting: 07/07/2011 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 92)

92 Annual Report - Achievement Against Priorities

Supporting documents:


The Head of Transformation submitted a report (previously circulated) in order to present the committee with the content of the Councils Annual Report of delivery against its priorities.


Members were reminded that the Council had adopted the following priorities in the Council Plan 2009-13.


·        Aim 1: To meet housing needs

·        Aim 2 :To create the conditions for economic success

·        Aim 3: To have a high quality clean and sustainable environment

·        Aim 4: To have safe and clean communities

·        Aim 5: To transform the Council


The report then gave details of the challenges for 2011/12.




            That the report be received and the challenges noted.