Meeting documents

Policy and Resources Committee
Thursday, 31st July, 2008

Thursday, 31 July 2008
Ryedale House, Malton
Councillors Wainwright (in the Chair), Acomb, Cottam, Keal,Knaggs, Legard and Maud
By Invitation
Councillors Andrews and Mrs Shields
In Attendance
Ms J Baldwin, Mrs L Carter, P Cresswell, Mrs M Jackson, J RRudd, Miss J Waggott and A Winship.

153. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Arnold,Aslett and Mrs Burr.
154. Minutes
The Minutes of a meeting of the Policy & ResourcesCommittee held on 26 June 2008. were submitted (previouslycirculated).
That the minutes of a meeting of thePolicy & Resources Committee held on 26 June 2008 be approvedand signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
155. Urgent Business
The Chairman reported that there were three items to beconsidered at the meeting as a matter of urgency by virtue ofSection 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The itemsrelated to the Housing & Planning Delivery Grant, thecontribution received in respect of the 2007 summer floods andpublications received in respect of ‘Communities in Control - WhitePaper and Guidance on Comprehensive Area Assessments.
156. Declarations of Interest
In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct CouncillorAndrews declared a personal interest in item 7 (Item Referred - CarPark Action Group Petition) as the organiser of the petition.
157. Ryedale Local DevelopmentFramework
Appendix 1. (PDF,  36k)
The Forward Planning & Economic Development Managersubmitted a report (previously circulated), which sought Members’agreement to waiver standing orders in order to allow consultancysupport to be procured using Office of Government CommerceFramework Contracts.
Councillor Andrews had previously sought the Chairman’spermission to attend the meeting and make a statement in connectionwith the item. At the Chairman’s invitation Councillor Andrews readout his statement.
The Forward Planning & Economic Development Manager thenpresented the report and reminded Members that following meetingsof the Committee in February and April 2008, additional funding tosupport the production of the Local Development Framework had beenagreed. As well as agreeing additional staffing for the team,additional resources for consultancy support had also beenagreed.
It was considered that the most effective way of usingconsultants, in conjunction with enhanced staff resources, would beto commission them to:
  • Undertake specialist/bespoke tasks, including for example, thepreparation of the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment(SHLAA); site viability work; Sustainability Appraisal
  • Assist with some of the larger time intensive tasks, such asconsultation events and the assimilation of consultationresponses
Annex 1 to the report provided a summary of a draft workprogramme up until the end of the following year. The use ofconsultants to complete the technical evidence base was animmediate priority. Although most of the large technical studiesrequired for the LDF were in place (with the exception of theSHLAA), there was a need to roll forward and update key pieces oftechnical work including the Retail Capacity Study, the EmploymentLand Study and the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.
In June, the Government had announced further formal changesto the planning system in a revised version of PPS12 (the nationalpolicy covering the role, content and procedures for LocalDevelopment Frameworks) and new Development Plan Regulations. Thesechanges would require an update of the Local Development Scheme(LDS). A draft of the LDS together with a detailed LDF workprogramme and progress update will be reported to the Octobermeeting of the Committee.
The Forward Planning & Economic Development Managerreported that consultancy support could be procured at preferentialrates using the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) FrameworkAgreements. These were all fully compliant with European Unionprocurement legislation and national public service contract rules.All companies within the framework agreement had pre-tendered to beeligible to provide services in this way.
The Council had the option of commissioning consultants underits standing orders and using their standard rates, but this wasconsidered not to be the best and most cost effective use of theresources available. The preferential rates available through theOGC route would result in cost savings. In addition, procurementusing the OGC was undertaken on line, providing a quick andimmediate way of seeking invitations to quote or to commissionservices directly.
The Forward Planning & Economic Development Managerreported on progress to date and reported that two members of staffhad been recruited and would be in post as of the following week.Arrangements had been put in place for a Member Briefing on the LDFto take place on 6 August 2008.
Councillor Knaggs expressed support for the recommendationsand was of the opinion that the Council Constitution should beamended to enable issues such as the use of Office of GovernmentCommerce Framework Contracts to be dealt with under Officerdelegation. In addition Councillor Knaggs suggested that there be aregular programme of briefings for Members on the LDF process andthat all efforts to delay the process should be resisted. Failureto have an LDF and housing land supply in place had implicationsfor council taxpayers. The Forward Planning team must be allowed tofocus on the job in hand and not be distracted by other processesand projects. Members supported the comments.
(a) That the waiver of Contract StandingOrders be approved such that the procurement of consultants tosupport the production of the Ryedale Local Development Frameworkcan be undertaken using Office of Government Commerce FrameworkContracts
(b) That the Chief Executive and the Headof Planning in, consultation with the Chairman of the Policy &Resources Committee, be granted delegated authority to authoriseexpenditure.
158. Insurance Renewals
Appendix2. (PDF, 26k)
The Corporate Director (s151) submitted a report (previouslycirculated) in connection with the renewal of the Council’sinsurances.
The Council’s existing insurance arrangements with ZurichMunicipal was due to expire on 8 October 2008, following afive-year long-term agreement. The Council currently had over 20different insurance policies, including public and employer’sliability insurances, motor, property and other smaller policiesfor cash, travel and engineering etc.
In anticipation of the renewal, and recognising officercapacity and knowledge in this area, Marsh Ltd had been appointedto assist in the tender process. This would ensure that the Councilcomplied with procurement practice and also that the tenderdocument ensured, as far as possible, that the Council achievedbest value for money in terms of cover and price. Marsh Ltd hadbeen appointed under officer delegated powers, with a contractvalue not exceeding £5000.
A detailed timetable for the process had been produced, a copyof which was appended to the report. The Council would need toreach a decision on the preferred tenderer after 31 August 2008.Taking into account the Committee timetable it was suggested thatthe Corporate Director (s151), in consultation with the Chairman ofthe Committee, be granted delegated authority to approve theappointment of the Council’s insurers.
(a) That the position in relation to thetendering of the Council’s insurance portfolio be noted
(b) That the Corporate Director (s151), inconsultation with the Chairman of the Policy & ResourcesCommittee, be given delegated authority to enter into InsuranceContracts.
159. Car Park Action Group - Petition
At the meeting of Council held on 10 July 2008 a petition wasaccepted by the Chairman from representatives of the Car ParkAction Group.
The petition is worded as follows:
“We the undersigned petition Ryedale District Council:
(a) Not to sell Wentworth Street Car Parkin view of the need to retain ALL car park spaces for the presentneeds and future growth of Malton and Norton;
(b) To review the car park charges in allMalton car parks”
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 23 (Petitions) thepetition was in the first instance accepted by the Chairman ofCouncil prior to being referred to the appropriate Committee/s forconsideration.
The Committee is requested to consider part (a) above. Part(b) was referred to the meeting of the Community Services &Licensing Committee on 24 July 2008.
Councillor Andrews attended the meeting by invitation of theChairman, and reported on the petition and its meaning andpurpose.
Following discussion it was moved and seconded that thepetition be noted as part of the ongoing consultationprocess.
That the petition presented by the CarPark Action Group be noted as part of the ongoing consultationprocess.
NB In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, CouncillorAndrews declared a personal interest in the above item as theorganiser of the petition.
160. Policy & Resources Committee PerformanceReport - Quarter 1
Appendix 3. (PDF, 953k) 
A report was submitted for information (previously circulated)in connection with the above.
The Chief Executive reported that the format of the report wasto be reviewed and would need to reflect national performanceindicators. Members were requested to note the report.
That the report be noted.
161. Urgent Business
The following three items were considered as they were decidedby the Chairman to be urgent by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of theLocal Government Act 1972.
1. Housing & Planning Delivery Grant 2008/09
The Chief Executive reported for information that the Councilhad been awarded Housing & Planning Delivery Grant of £21,000for 2008/09. This was a disappointing settlement, which had beeninfluenced by the fact that the Council did not have its LDF inplace or identified a five year supply of housing land. Aneighbouring district council, which had its LDF in place and hadidentified a 5 year housing land supply, had received an award inexcess of £600,000.
The Chief Executive reported that this was a clear reminderthat the Council must deliver; this money may not be availableagain. The Council must remain focused and not allow itself to bedistracted from the process.
2. Floods 2007 - Financial Contribution
The Chief Executive reported for information that the Councilhad been awarded revenue funding of £15,000 towards the costs ofthe 2007 summer floods. It was suggested that the Council consultthe Land Drainage Group regarding the allocation of the funding.Members endorsed this course of action.
That, following consultation with the LandDrainage Group, the Chief Executive and Corporate Director (s151),in consultation with the Chairman of the Policy & ResourcesCommittee, be granted delegated authority to allocate the fundingof £15,000.
3. Communities in Control - White Paper and Comprehensive AreaAssessment
The Corporate Director reported for information that twopublications had recently been received in connection with theabove issues. The ‘Communities in Control’ White Paper included inexcess of 20 proposals, which would affect many areas of theCouncil’s services. A detailed analysis of the paper was currentlybeing undertaken, following which a report was to be prepared forMembers’ consideration.
In addition guidance on the Comprehensive Area Assessmentprocess had been received. Comprehensive Area Assessment was toreplace Comprehensive Performance Assessment and would cover theNorth Yorkshire County Council, and all North Yorkshire DistrictCouncils together with the Fire and Police Authorities. A study ofthe guidance was being carried out by the Corporate Policy Managerwith a view to either preparing a report for consideration byMembers or arranging a Member Briefing.
With reference to community engagement, the Leader of theCouncil requested that Officers concentrate on the areas, whichwould be of most benefit to Ryedale’s communities. The CorporateDirector noted the suggestion.
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