Meeting documents

Planning Committee
Tuesday, 23rd September, 2008

held at Ryedale House, Malton, Tuesday 23 September 2008


Councillors Maud (in the Chair), Aslett, Mrs Burr, Cussons, Jackson, Keal, Knaggs, Raper, Ms Warriner, Mrs Wilford, Windress and Woodward

In Attendance

Mrs L Carter, G Housden, P Simpson and A Winship.


P.160 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Andrews, Bailey, Cottam and Hawkins.

P.161 Minutes

The minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on 9 September 2008 (previously circulated) were presented.


That the minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on 9 September 2008 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

P.162 Urgent Business

The Chairman reported that there were no items to be dealt with as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.

P.163 Declarations of Interest

The following Members indicated that they would be declaring interests under the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of the following items:

Councillor              Application                     
Raper 6
Mrs Wilford 2

P.164 List of Applications Determined under Delegated Powers

The Development Control Manager submitted for information a report (previously circulated) giving details of the applications determined by the Development Control Manager in accordance with the Scheme of Delegated Decisions.

P.165 Update on Appeal Decisions

The Development Control Manager circulated with the agenda details of Appeal Decisions received since the last meeting of the Committee.

P.166 Schedule of Items to be Determined by the Committee

The Development Control Manager submitted a list (previously circulated) of applications for planning permission with his recommendations thereon.


That the applications set out in the agenda be dealt with as follows:

1. 07/00805/MFUL –Erection of ground floor retail units with 8 no. one bedroom and 6 no. two bedroom apartments on first and second floors and associated parking at 5 CHURCH STREET, NORTON, MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE YO17 9HP.

PERMISSION REFUSED for the reasons as recommended

NB. 1 It was noted that Reason for Refusal 1 should be amended read ‘to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Environment Agency ... ...’

NB. 2 On the advice of the Chairman, Councillor Woodward abstained from voting on the above application as he had not been present for the entirety of the debate.

2. 08/00680/FUL –Erection of a five bedroom dwelling with attached single garage/store and formation of vehicular access (revised details to approval 05/01340/FUL DATED 21.12.2005) at LAND TO THE WEST OF ASHRIDGE HOUSE, HIGH LANE, WESTOW, YORK.


NB. This decision was contrary to Officers’ recommendations. Members were of the opinion that the application if approved would result in the overdevelopment of the site resulting in a cramped appearance which would have an adverse impact on the street scene in a Conservation Area. In addition, the lean-to garage compromised the design.

Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillor Mrs Wilford declared a personal interest in the item as a work colleague of an objector.

3. 08/00630/MFUL – Erection of stabling buildings, veterinary and storage buildings, covered exercise track for horse schooling and assessment, additional horsewalkers, building to form staff welfare facilities, administration facilities and owners suite and formation of associated parking and access at MUSLEY BANK STABLES, MUSLEY BANK, MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE YO17 6TD

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended.

4. 08/00673/MFUL – Erection of general purpose storage building to include farm office facilities at LAND AT THORNTON FIELD HOUSE, MOOR LANE, FLAXTON, YORK.

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended and additional conditions requiring the use of 10% renewables as required by Policy ENV.5 of the Regional Spatial Strategy and landscaping to the south-western boundary of the site

5. 08/00698/MFUL – Erection of a general purpose agricultural storage building at SPANIEL FARM, MAIN STREET, WEAVERTHORPE, MALTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE YO17 8HE.

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended

6. 08/00564/FUL – Erection of a four bedroom with detached single garage and formation of vehicular access to serve dwelling at LAND TO SOUTH OF COTTAGE FARM, MAIN STREET, FOXHOLES, DRIFFIELD.


Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillor Raper declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the above application, as the applicant was a friend and neighbour. Councillor Raper withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the item.

7. 08/00719/FUL – Erection of 2 no. single storey extensions to rear, single storey extension to side and detached single garage at THE STRAY, MAIN STREET, BURYTHORPE, MALTON YO17 9LJ.

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended.

8. 08/00767/FUL – Erection of two storey extension to rear at RYECROFT, CHURCH STREET, NUNNINGTON, YORK YO62 5US.

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended.

9. 08/00772/FUL – Erection of replacement detached double garage at ORCHARD HOUSE, 8 WEST STREET, SWINTON, MALTON YO17 6SP.

PERMISSION GRANTED subject to conditions as recommended

Declaration of Interest

In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillor Mrs Burr declared a personal interest in the above item as she had been lobbied.

NB. Councillors Mrs Burr and Raper recorded their votes against the above decision.




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