Meeting documents

Monday, 13th October, 2008

Full Council

Minutes of Proceedings

At an Extraordinary Meeting of the District Council of Ryedale held in the Council Chamber at Ryedale House, Malton on Monday 13 October 2008


Councillors JR Raper (in the Chair)                                  
  G Acomb B Maud
  S Arnold NDF MICFor Mrs E L Shields BA MA
  Mrs V M Arnold C R Wainwright
  A Aslett Ms N Warriner MBE
  J S Clark Mrs J Wilford
  Mrs L Cowling J Windress
  D E Cussons T B Woodward
  Mrs P J De Wend Fenton  
  G E Hawkins  
  A E Hemesley OBE  
  D Jackson  
  Mrs D E Keal  
  H L Keal  
  E T Legard  


In Attendance

Mrs A Adnitt, P Cresswell and Mrs M Jackson.


252 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Councillor Andrews, Bailey, Mrs Burr, Cottam, Mrs Frank, Mrs Hodgson, Hope and Knaggs.

253 Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct Councillor Hemesley declared a personal interest in the following item, as the Council’s appointed Member on the Community Leisure Ltd Board of Management.

254 Government Proposals for Free Swimming

The Corporate Director (s151) submitted a report (previously circulated), which sought Member’s views on the Council’s participation in the Free Swimming Programme for under 16’s.

The Government was keen to encourage local authorities to participate in making swimming free for over 60’s and under 16’s in local communities. Therefore a two-year grant scheme was available to support swimming in these two categories plus a capital improvements scheme grant. It was noted that it had not been made clear what would happen at the end of the two-year period, which would also coincide with the end of the current Spending Review period.

Members were reminded that at the Full Council meeting held on the 4 September 2008 the following had been agreed:

I. The Council apply for the 60+ Swimming Programme for the two years 2009/2010 and 2010/2011.

II. The Council express an interest in the under 16s programme;

III. The Council investigate the potential for capital grant aid;

IV. A further report on the under 16s funding and implications, once announced be presented to a special meeting of Full Council.

The Corporate Director (s151) reported that the funding figures had been received from Government on the 8 October 2008 and the Authority was required to declare its intentions by the 24 October 2008.

The grant proposal was that for the two years 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 Ryedale District Council would receive £24,380 in grant towards the provision of free swimming for under 16s. The Council would also be eligible to receive capital funding of £12,047, but the criteria for using this funding had not yet been made available. Should the Council take this capital funding, additional funding may also be available from the ‘Free Swim Modernisation programme’, which Sport England were administering on behalf of the Government.

Figures from Community Leisure Ltd in 2007/08 indicated that junior swims brought in £28,409 revenue, and figures from Helmsley Open Air Pool indicated revenue in the region of £5,000.

There was a view that if offered, the concession would produce significant demand, which could adversely affect the number of paying customers, although there would be increased secondary spend to mitigate some of the cost. Although difficult to predict, Members were advised that the Council could expect a financial impact in the region of £60,000.

Consideration was also given to the Council’s contract with Community Leisure Ltd, which was presently under review, with a view to either a new contract or procurement exercise in 2009, it was possible that the new contractual agreement could share the risk with the provider and reduce the direct cost to the authority, potentially in the second year of the programme.

The proposal was discussed at length, with positive views in relation to the health benefits and concerns expressed regarding the financial implications.

It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Cowling, and seconded by Councillor Mrs Arnold, that the Council declines the invitation to provide free swimming to Under 16s in 2009/2010 and 2010/2011.

Upon being put to the vote, the motion was carried.


That the Council declines the invitation to provide free swimming for under 16s in 2009/2010 and 2010/2011.

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