Meeting documents

Thursday, 4th September, 2008

Minutes of Proceedings

At an Ordinary Meeting of the District Council of Ryedale held in the Council Chamber at Ryedale House, Malton on Thursday, 4 September 2008

Councillors JR Raper (in the Chair)                                  
  G Acomb Mrs M Hodgson
  P J Andrews E Hope
  S Arnold NDF MICF or D Jackson
  Mrs V M Arnold Mrs D E Keal
  J R Bailey H L Keal
  Mrs L M Burr KA Knaggs MA MSc FCA
  J S Clark E T Legard
  B G Cottam B Maud
  Mrs L Cowling Mrs E L Shields BA MA
  D E Cussons C R Wainwright
  Mrs P J De Wend Fenton Ms N Warriner MBE
  Mrs J Frank Mrs J Wilford
  G E Hawkins J Windress
  A E Hemesley OBE T B Woodward


In Attendance

Mrs A Adnitt, P Cresswell, Miss C Gaynor, Mrs M Jackson, Miss J Waggott and A Winship.

Reverend K Holding


182.  Apology for Absence

An apology for absence was received from Councillor Aslett.

183. Public Question Time

There were no public questions.

184. Minutes

The minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 10 July 2008 (previously circulated) were presented.


That the minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 10 July 2008 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record

185. Urgent Business

The Chairman reported that there was one item to be dealt with as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The item related to a letter from Reading Borough Council, which sought support for the Campaign for Gurkha Rights.

186. Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct the following declarations of interest were received:

Councillor Mrs Arnold declared a personal interest in Minute No. 195 (Notices on Motion Submitted Pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 (Part 4) of the Council Constitution) as a County Councillor representative on the North Yorkshire Scrutiny of Health Committee.

187. Announcements

The Chairman reminded Members that his Civic Service was to be held at St Peter’s Church, Staxton on 21 September 2008.

188. To Receive Any Questions Submitted by Members Pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 10.2 (Questions on Notice at Full Council)

Councillor Keal submitted the following questions to the Chairman of Community Services & Licensing Committee:

(a) How severe is the shortfall in affordable housing provision in Ryedale identified by the Housing Market Assessment? What are the specific figures in terms of homes for rent and those offered on a shared ownership basis to give first time buyers a foot on the property ladder?

Also, what is the percentage shortfall in each case?

(b) What is the cost of providing a three-bedroomed “affordable” semi-detached home in Ryedale, exclusive of the price of the land? What is the figure with the cost of the land added in at current rates?

(c) How does the cost of an affordable three-bedroomed semi compare with the average earnings of a family household in Ryedale? What is the current Ryedale District Council policy relating to affordable housing for rent and to what extent are its requirements being met?

(d) What resources are available from external funding such as the Housing Corporation and housing associations for the building of affordable homes in Ryedale? Is that funding available for the provision of homes on a shared ownership basis or purely for rent, or both?

A response from the Chairman of Community Services & Licensing Committee was circulated at the meeting.

189. To Receive Petitions or Similar Communications Submitted by Members of the Public Under Rule 23 of the Council’s Constitution

In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 23 (Petitions), which states that, any petition or similar communication received by a Member or Chief Officer should first be presented formally to the next meeting of the Council by the Member or Chief Officer concerned and then referred to the relevant Committee for consideration. The Chairman reported receipt of a petition from businesses in Helmsley ‘for the removal or relocation of the November fair in Helmsley’.

The Chairman reported that in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 23 (Petitions) the petition was to be referred to the next meeting of the Community Services & Licensing Committee.

190. Community Services & Licensing Committee

It was moved by Councillor Mrs Cowling and seconded by Councillor Bailey that the minutes of a meeting of the Community Services & Licensing Committee held on 24 July 2008 be approved and adopted.

With reference to Minute No. 133 (Malton Market Place - Proposal for Continental Market) Members congratulated Councillor Mrs Keal on the success of the recent Continental Market held in Malton Market Place.

With reference to Minute No. 133 (Malton Market Place - Proposal for Continental Market) Councillor Mrs Keal reported that she had declared a personal interest in the item as a Member of ‘Thrive’ and not as a member of ‘Malton and Norton Area Partnership’ as stated.


That the minutes of a meeting of the Community Services & Licensing Committee held on 24 July 2008 be approved and adopted subject to it being noted that Councillor Mrs Keal had declared a personal interest in Minute No. 133 (Malton Market Place - Proposal for a Continental Market) as a member of “Thrive”.

191. Licensing Committee

It was moved by Councillor Mrs Arnold and seconded by Councillor Bailey that the minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 24 July 2008 be received.


That the minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 24 July 2008 be received.

192. Standards Committee

It was moved by Councillor Mrs De Wend Fenton and seconded by Councillor Raper that the minutes of a meeting of the Standards Committee held on 30 July 2008 be received.


That the minutes of a meeting of the Standards Committee held on 30 July 2008 be received

193. Policy & Resources Committee

It was moved by Councillor Wainwright and seconded by Councillor Legard that the minutes of a meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee held on 31 July 2008 be approved and adopted

With reference to Minute No. 161 (Urgent Business: Floods 2007 Financial Contribution) Councillor Knaggs reported that he had received an email from the Local Government Floods Forum inviting Ryedale District Council to become a founding member of the Forum. The Forum was to involve Members and Officers and the first meeting was to be held on 14 October 2008 in London. It was suggested that officers be authorised to investigate and pursue membership of the Forum and that a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee. Members endorsed this course of action.


(a) That the minutes of a meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee held on 31 July 2008 be approved and adopted.

(b) That Officers be authorised to investigate and pursue membership of the Local Government Floods Forum and that a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.

194. Overview & Scrutiny Committee

It was moved by Councillor Mrs Shields and seconded by Councillor Mrs Wilford that the minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 7 August 2008 and the minutes of a Special Meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 19 August 2008 be approved and adopted.

With reference to Minute No. 181 (Call-in of Community Services & Licensing Committee Decision, Single Homelessness Strategy for North Yorkshire and Local Action Group) Councillor Knaggs expressed concern regarding the recommendation to create a Steering Group to consider affordable housing issues. Councillor Knaggs was of the opinion that it would be more appropriate for the Community Services & Licensing Committee to consider these issues. It was proposed by Councillor Knaggs and seconded by Councillor Acomb that the recommendation to create a Steering Group be not accepted and that:

(a) Council instructs Community Services & Licensing Committee to consider affordable housing as a standing item on its agendas.

(b) Community Services & Licensing Committee considers how best to meet the aspirations expressed by Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

Members requested that a recorded vote be taken on the amendment.

Recorded Vote

For the amendment

Councillors Acomb, Arnold, Mrs Arnold, Bailey, Cottam, Mrs Cowling, Cussons, Mrs Frank, Hawkins, Hemesley, Mrs Hodgson, Hope, Jackson, Knaggs, Legard, Maud, Raper, Wainwright, Mrs Wilford, Windress (20)

Against the amendment

Councillors Andrews, Mrs Burr, Clark, Mrs De Wend Fenton, Mrs Keal, Keal, Mrs Shields, Woodward (8)


Ms Warriner (1)

The amendment was therefore carried. Upon being put to the vote as the substantive motion, the motion to approve and adopt the minutes of meetings of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 7 August 2008 and 19 August 2008 as amended was carried.


(a) That the minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 7 August 2008 be approved and adopted.

(b) That the minutes of a Special Meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 19 August 2008 be approved and adopted with the exception of the recommendation in Minute No. 181 (Call-in of Community Services & Licensing Committee Decision - Single Homelessness Strategy for North Yorkshire and Local Action Group), which was amended and approved as follows:

(i) Council instructs Community Services & Licensing Committee to consider affordable housing as a standing item on its agendas.

(ii) Community Services & Licensing Committee considers how best to meet the aspirations expressed by Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

195. Planning Committee

The minutes of meetings of the Planning Committee held on 1 July 2008 and 29 July 2008 (previously circulated) were presented.

With reference to Minute No. P.145 (9) (08/00409/FUL Change of use of second floor four bedroom apartment to function room and use of land as an outside customer seating area for previously approved wine bar at Beckside Crafts, Bridge Street, Pickering) Councillor Woodward reported that he had declared a personal interest in the item as his daughter is an employee of ‘the applicant’ and not an employee of ‘Beckside Crafts’ as stated.


That the minutes of meetings of the Planning Committee held on 1 July 2008 and 29 July 2008 be received.

196. Notice of Motion Submitted Pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 (Part 4) of the Council Constitution

It was moved by Councillor Keal and seconded by Councillor Mrs Keal that:

Ryedale District Council calls upon the Secretary of State for Health, the Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP, to take the following action:

Acknowledge and accept that the rural nature of Ryedale makes it vital to retain Malton Maternity Unit

Note the absurdity of the promotion of home births while home from home births at the Malton unit have been forcibly reduced

Accept that the Government choice agenda demands that local maternity care at Malton Maternity Unit should be maintained

Agree that forcing mums to make a 24-mile trek to Scarborough Hospital on heavily congested roads is wholly unacceptable

Overturn the decision to close Malton Maternity Unit in the light of specific concerns and needs of mothers in Ryedale

Upon being put to the vote, the motion was unanimously carried. In addition, it was agreed that a copy of the correspondence be sent to Mr John Greenway MP.


That Ryedale District Council calls upon the Secretary of State for Health, the Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP, to take the following action:

Acknowledge and accept that the rural nature of Ryedale makes it vital to retain Malton Maternity Unit

Note the absurdity of the promotion of home births while home from home births at the Malton unit have been forcibly reduced

Accept that the Government choice agenda demands that local maternity care at Malton Maternity Unit should be maintained

Agree that forcing mums to make a 24-mile trek to Scarborough Hospital on heavily congested roads is wholly unacceptable

Overturn the decision to close Malton Maternity Unit in the light of specific concerns and needs of mothers in Ryedale

197. Government Proposals for Free Swimming

The Corporate Director (s151) submitted a report (previously circulated), which sought Members’ views on the Council’s participation in the Free Swimming Programme.

The Government was keen to encourage as many local authorities as possible to participate in making swimming free for over 60s and under 16s in local communities, but also to stimulate ambitious authorities to maximise and sustain uptake through other initiatives such as free lessons for adults who cannot swim, the introduction of swimming coordinators and to provide incentives for the most ambitious to move further towards a universal free swimming offer.

The Government was therefore providing access to a two-year grant scheme to support swimming in these two categories plus capital improvements scheme grant. It was noted that it was not yet made clear what would happen at the end of the two-year period, which also coincided with the end of the current Spending Review period.

The Corporate Director (s151) reported that the Council had received notification of the potential for grant aid from the Department Culture, Media and Sports in July 2008. Officers had considered the details and also held discussions through the Community Leisure Working Party and with the Trust, which operated the Helmsley Open Air Pool. The grant aid, if participation was agreed, would be awarded direct to the Council. The funding would need to be passed onto the two service providers, Community Leisure Limited and Helmsley Open Air Pool to reflect the loss of income.

The report detailed three Pots (Schemes):

Free swimming for the over 60s

Free swimming for the under 16s

Modernising pool provision – capital reward funding

The Corporate Director (s151) reported that whilst the Free Swimming Programme would help deliver the Council’s corporate and community plan objectives, there was a financial risk in that the grant for the over 60’s programme may not be sufficient to cover the costs.


(a) That the Council applies for the over 60s Swimming Programme for the two years 2009/2010 and 2010/2011

(b) That the Council expresses interest in the under 16s programme

(c) That the Council investigates the potential for capital grant aid

(d) A further report on the under 16s funding and implications, once announced, be presented to an extraordinary meeting of Full Council.

NB Councillor Clark recorded his vote against on the basis that he disagreed with the decision relating to the Swimming Programme being for two years.

198. Urgent Business

The following item was considered as it was decided by the Chairman to be urgent by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.

199. The Campaign for Gurkha Rights

The Chief Executive reported that a letter had been received from Reading Borough Council, which sought Member support for a Campaign for Gurkha Rights.

The campaign called for equal pensions for Gurkhas, who currently received a substantially lower pension than their British Army colleagues, despite fighting alongside them since 1815. The Gurkhas were also seeking the right to settlement in the UK for all Gurkhas and special payment to elderly Gurkha veterans living in poverty.

Members were of the opinion that the campaign was very worthy and deserved full support from the Council.


That a letter be sent to Reading Borough Council expressing Ryedale District Council’s support for the Campaign for Gurkha Rights.


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