Meeting documents

Thursday, 15th May, 2008

Thursday, 15 May 2008,
Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton
J R Raper (in the Chair)
G Acomb
P J Andrews
S Arnold NDF MICFor
Mrs V M Arnold
A A Aslett
J R Bailey
Mrs L M Burr
J S Clark
B G Cottam
Mrs L Cowling
D E Cussons
Mrs P J De Wend Fenton
Mrs J Frank
G E Hawkins
A E Hemesley OBE
Mrs M Hodgson
E Hope
D Jackson
Mrs D E Keal
H L Keal
K A Knaggs MA MSc FCA
E T Legard
B Maud
Mrs E L Shields BA MA
C R Wainwright
Ms N Warriner MBE
Mrs J Wilford
J Windress
T B Woodward
In Attendance
Mrs A Adnitt, Ms J Baldwin, P Cresswell, Miss C Gaynor, Mrs M Jackson, Miss J Waggott and A Winship.
Rev. K Holding
14. Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence.
15. Public Question Time
There were no public questions.
16. Minutes
The minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 13 March 2008. (previously circulated) were presented.
That the minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 13 March 2008 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
17. Urgent Business
The Chairman reported that there were no items to be dealt with as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.
18. Declarations of Interest
No declarations of interest were received.
19. Announcements
There were no announcements.
20. Standards Committee
It was moved by Councillor Cottam and seconded by Councillor Mrs De Wend Fenton that the minutes of a meeting of the Standards Committee held on 3 April 2008. be received.
That the minutes of a meeting of the Standards Committee held on 3 April 2008 be received.
21. Community Services & Licensing Committee
It was moved by Councillor Mrs Cowling and seconded by Councillor Bailey that the minutes of a meeting of the Community Services & Licensing Committee held on 10 April 2008. be approved and adopted.
That the minutes of a meeting of the Community Services & Licensing Committee held on 10 April 2008 be approved and adopted.
22. Licensing Committee
It was moved by Councillor Mrs Arnold and seconded by Councillor Bailey that the minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 10 April 2008. be received.
That the minutes of a meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 10 April 2008 be received.
23. Policy & Resources Committee
It was moved by Councillor Wainwright and seconded by Councillor Legard that the minutes of a meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee held on 17 April 2008. be approved and adopted subject to minute 539 (Redeployment and Redundancy Policy) being amended by the deletion in the penultimate paragraph of the preamble of the words ‘part (a)’ and the substitution of the words ‘part (b)’.
Councillor Andrews reported that he had given the Chairman of the Committee prior notice of questions relating to Minute No. 545 (A Framework for Change and Improvement - Management Review). Councillor Andrews sought confirmation of the cost of the Council’s current establishment, the anticipated cost of the new proposed establishment and how the cost of change was to be funded. The Chairman thanked Councillor Andrews for giving advance notice of the questions and reported that the current establishment costs amounted to some £7,519,000. There would be no additional costs as a result of the new establishment. One off costs of change would be a maximum of £300,000 and these would come from revenue reserves, as stated in Minute 545(h).
With reference to Minute No. 545 (A Framework for Change and Improvement - Management Review) Councillor Clark expressed concern regarding the proposed new structure and was of the opinion that the changes could not be implemented without incurring additional costs. Councillor Clark was of the opinion that insufficient detail had been provided regarding the future Service Unit Manager posts and suggested that no further action should be taken until the Council had endorsed the whole structure.
It was moved by Councillor Clark and seconded by Councillor Woodward that resolved portion (a) be amended to read “That the new senior management structure as outlined in annex 1 of the report be not approved until there is a full structure of all posts before Council together with a full list of all redundancies and details of the costs of the current and proposed structures, and that resolved portions (b) to (h) be deleted”.
Members requested that a recorded vote be taken on the amendment.
Recorded Vote
For the Amendment:
Councillors Andrews, Aslett, Mrs Burr, Clark, Mrs De Wend Fenton, Mrs Hodgson, Mrs Shields and Woodward (8)
Against the Amendment:
Councillors Acomb, Arnold, Mrs Arnold, Bailey, Cottam, Mrs Cowling, Cussons, Mrs Frank, Hawkins, Hemesley, Hope, Jackson, Keal, Mrs Keal, Knaggs, Legard, Maud, Raper, Wainwright, Ms Warriner, Mrs Wilford and Windress (22)
The amendment was, therefore, lost.
With reference to Minute No. 545 (A Framework for Change and Improvement - Management Review) it was moved by Councillor Woodward and seconded by Councillor Clark that resolved portion (c) part (i) be amended by the deletion of the word ‘or compulsory’. Councillor Woodward reported that as assurances had been given that there would be no compulsory redundancies as a result of the management restructure, it was not necessary to grant delegated authority to terminate an employee’s services on these grounds.
Members requested that a recorded vote be taken on the amendment.
Recorded Vote
Votes in favour of the amendment:
Councillors Andrews, Aslett, Mrs Burr, Clark, Mrs De Wend Fenton, Keal, Mrs Shields and Woodward (8)
Votes against the amendment
Councillors Acomb, Arnold, Mrs Arnold, Bailey, Cottam, Mrs Cowling, Cussons, Mrs Frank, Hawkins, Hemesley, Mrs Hodgson, Hope, Jackson, Mrs Keal, Knaggs, Legard, Maud, Raper, Wainwright, Ms Warriner, Mrs Wilford and Windress (22)
The amendment was therefore lost.
With reference to Minute No. 539 (Redeployment and Redundancy Policy) it was moved by Councillor Andrews and seconded by Councillor Clark that part (b) of the recommendation be amended by the deletion of ‘the Chairman of the Policy & Resources Committee’ and the substitution of ‘Group Leaders’.
Upon being put to the vote the amendment was lost.
That the minutes of a meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee held on 17 April 2008 be approved and adopted subject to minute 539 (Redeployment and Redundancy Policy) being amended by the deletion in the penultimate paragraph of the preamble of the words ‘part (a)’ and the substitution of the words ‘part (b)’.
24. Overview & Scrutiny Committee
It was moved by Councillor Mrs Shields and seconded by Councillor Hawkins that the minutes of a meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 24 April 2008. be approved and adopted.
The Chairman of Overview & Scrutiny Committee thanked the Corporate Director (Section 151) for attending the meeting held on 24 April 2008.
Councillor Woodward referred to Minute No. 557 (Waste Management Scrutiny Review) and the final paragraph of the preamble, which stated that Members had been of the opinion that the public should be made more aware of what waste could be deposited in the different types of bins provided. Councillor Woodward reported that unfortunately some members of the public held the view that all waste, including that collected by the recycling vehicles, was taken to landfill sites. Councillor Woodward was of the opinion that it would be beneficial to inform the public of what happened to their recycled waste i.e. glass, cans, paper and plastic bottles etc. The Chief Executive reported that there was a possible opportunity to advertise on the newly purchased waste collection vehicles. Councillor Mrs Shields assured Members that Councillor Woodward’s comments would be taken on board and that a press release and/or an article in the Ryedale News would be pursued.
That the minutes of a meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 24 April 2008 be approved and adopted.
25. Planning Committee
The minutes of meetings of the Planning Committee held on 11 March 2008. and 8 April 2008. (previously circulated) were presented.
That the minutes of meetings of the Planning Committee held on 11 March and 8 April 2008 be received.
26. Notices of Motion Submitted Pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11 (Part 4) of the Council Constitution
1. It was moved by Councillor Knaggs and seconded by Councillor Cottam that:
“This Council:
(i) Authorises Officers to carry out work designed to bring forward the improvement of the A64 junctions at Brambling Fields and Musley Bank.
(ii) Resolves that the Resources Working Party report on the implications for the Capital Programme.”
Upon being put to the vote the motion was carried.
(a) That Officers be authorised to carry out work designed to bring forward the improvement of the A64 junctions at Brambling Fields and Musley Bank.
(b) That the Resources Working Party reports on the implications for the Capital Programme.
2. It was moved by Councillor Clark and seconded by Councillor Woodward that:
“This Council recognises the importance of the environment. Therefore as a result of the complete failure of the Environment Working Party over the last twelve months this Council resolves:
That an Environment Committee is created. Council requests the Chief Executive to make the necessary arrangements to fit such a Committee into the structure of Ryedale District Council and make the necessary changes to the Constitution.”
It was requested that a recorded vote be taken on the motion.
Recorded Vote
Votes in favour of the motion:
Councillors Acomb, Andrews, Aslett, Mrs Burr, Clark, Mrs De Wend Fenton, Mrs Hodgson, Mrs Keal, Keal, Maud, Mrs Shields, Ms Warriner, Mrs Wilford and Woodward (14)
Votes against the motion:
Councillors Arnold, Mrs Arnold, Bailey, Cottam, Mrs Cowling, Cussons, Mrs Frank, Hawkins, Hemesley, Hope, Jackson, Knaggs, Legard, Raper, Wainwright and Windress (16)
The motion was therefore lost.
27. Annual Report of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee
Appendix 1. (PDF, 27k) and Annex A. (PDF, 75k)
The Performance Manager submitted a report (previously circulated), which sought acceptance of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s Annual Report 2007/08.
The Annual Report served a number of purposes:
  • To inform others of the work done by the Committee during the Council Annual year 2007/08, the work that remained to be completed and a draft work plan for the Council Year 2008/09
  • To acknowledge the good work achieved by staff, Members and others in delivering services to the community of Ryedale
  • To report on any specific matters of concern over the Council’s failure to act or where the mismanagements of resources, performance, risk or other matters impacted significantly on the delivery of Council services and/or the Corporate Plan
  • To engage the community, other stakeholders and all Members of the Council in contributing suggestions for areas that may need to be reviewed over the forthcoming Council year
  • To help measure the effectiveness of the Committee’s work.
(a) That the Annual Report of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee be accepted.
(b) That the recommendations arising from the Review of the Complaints System; the comments on the implementation of the Council Improvement Plan; the risk management report; the findings from performance monitoring over the past year; and the key actions recommended in the Annual Audit Letter 2006/07 be noted.
28. Information Items
The following items were submitted for information
Members’ Reports on Outside Organisations:
(i) Report to May Council (Councillor Ms Warriner) Appendix 2. (PDF, 9k)
(ii) The Pickering Flood Defence Scheme (Councillor Knaggs) Appendix 3. (PDF, 22k)
(iii) Malton Museum Foundation (Councillor Mrs Wilford)
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