Meeting documents

Thursday, 17th January, 2008

Extraordinary Council

Thursday, 17 January 2008,
Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton
Ms N Warriner MBE (in the Chair)
G Acomb
P J Andrews
Mrs V M Arnold
A A Aslett
J R Bailey
B G Cottam
Mrs L Cowling
D E Cussons
Mrs P J De Wend Fenton
Mrs J Frank
A E Hemesley OBE
E Hope
D Jackson
H L Keal
K A Knaggs MA MSc FCA
B Maud
Mrs E L Shields BA MA
C R Wainwright
In Attendance

Honorary Aldermen R G Eccles, A C Hall, C S Scott, Mrs D M Steadand F A Wiggle  

Mrs A Adnitt, Ms J Baldwin, Mrs L Carter, Miss C Gaynor, Mrs MJackson, Miss J Waggott and A Winship
Reverend F Hewitt

381. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Arnold,Mrs Burr, Clark, Hawkins, Mrs Hodgson, Mrs Keal, Legard, Raper,Windress and Woodward.
382. Honorary Aldermen
The Chairman of the Council welcomed Members of the Council,Honorary Aldermen and guests to the meeting and reported thatSection 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 gave authority for theDistrict Council to confer the title of Honorary Alderman on formerCouncillors who, in the opinion of the Council, had renderedeminent service to the community.
Two former Members of the Council, Mr Allin John Jenkins andMrs Joan Elizabeth Taylor, had distinguished themselves bysatisfying that criteria. Accordingly, this Extraordinary Meetinghad been convened for the express purpose of conferring the honourupon them.
The Chairman welcomed Mr Jenkins’ and Mrs Taylor’s familiesand friends to the meeting to witness this historic occasion andthanked them for their past support, which had enabled Allin andJoan to properly carry out their public duties. The Chairmanreported that it was a privilege to preside at the Ceremony.
The Chairman reported that the Ceremony was second only inimportance to the Council’s Annual Meeting and the election ofChairman. It is an honour that had to be earned and could not bebought. Ryedale’s policy requires a minimum of 15 years’ service asa Councillor, which meant successfully contesting at least fourDistrict Council elections in order to qualify. This Ceremony wasrarely conducted and the Chairman reported that she was greatlyhonoured to have the privilege of being Chairman at this particulartime.
It was moved by Councillor Wainwright and seconded byCouncillor Maud “That pursuant to the provisions of Section 249 ofthe Local Government Act 1972, the title of Honorary Alderman ofthe Ryedale District Council be conferred upon Allin John Jenkinsin recognition of the eminent service rendered by him as aCouncillor of Ryedale District Council from 1984 to 2007”.
Upon being put to the vote the motion was unanimously carried,it was therefore:
That pursuant to the provisions of Section249 of the Local Government Act 1972, the title of HonoraryAlderman of the Ryedale District Council be conferred upon AllinJohn Jenkins in recognition of the eminent service rendered by himas a Councillor of Ryedale District Council from 1984 to2007”.
The Chairman then presented Honorary Alderman Jenkins with anIlluminated Address and a replica plaque of the Ryedale Coat ofArms. Honorary Alderman Jenkins responded.
It was moved by Councillor Wainwright and seconded byCouncillor Aslett “That pursuant to the provisions of Section 249of the Local Government Act 1972, the title of Honorary Alderman ofthe Ryedale District Council be conferred upon Joan ElizabethTaylor in recognition of the eminent service rendered by her as aCouncillor of Ryedale District Council from 1987 to 2007”.
Upon being put to the vote the motion was unanimously carried,it was therefore:
That pursuant to the provisions of Section249 of the Local Government Act 1972, the title of HonoraryAlderman of the Ryedale District Council be conferred upon JoanElizabeth Taylor in recognition of the eminent service rendered byher as a Councillor of Ryedale District Council from 1987 to2007”.
The Chairman then presented Honorary Alderman Mrs Taylor withan Illuminated Address and a replica plaque of the Ryedale Coat ofArms. Honorary Alderman Mrs Taylor responded.
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