Meeting documents

Community Services Committee
Thursday, 25th September, 2008

held at Ryedale House, Malton on Thursday 25 September 2008


Councillors Mrs Cowling (in the Chair), Mrs Arnold, Bailey, Mrs De Wend Fenton, Frank, Hope, Jackson, Mrs Keal and Woodward.

By Invitation of the Chairman: Councillors Knaggs and Wainwright

Overview & Scrutiny Committee Observer: Councillors Andrews and Clark

In Attendance

Ms Baldwin, Mrs B Bennett, Mrs L Carter, R Etherington, Ms L Huntington, Mrs M Jackson, P Long and J Rudd


206. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Hemesley and Mrs Hodgson.

207. Minutes

The minutes of a meeting of the Community Services & Licensing Committee held on 24 July 2008 were presented (previously circulated).

It was noted that at the last meeting of Council held on 4 September 2008, the above minutes had been approved and adopted subject to it being noted that Councillor Mrs Keal had declared a personal interest in Minute No. 133 (Malton Market Place - Proposal for a Continental Market) as a member of “Thrive”.


That the minutes of a meeting of the Community Services & Licensing Committee held on 24 July 2008 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record subject to it being noted that Councillor Mrs Keal had declared a personal interest in Minute No. 133 (Malton Market Place - Proposal for a Continental Market) as a member of “Thrive”.

208. Minutes of a meeting of the Community Leisure Working Party held on 12 August 2008

The minutes of a meeting of the Community Leisure Working Party held on 12 August 2008 (PDF, 40k). were submitted (previously circulated).


That the minutes of a meeting of the Community Leisure Working Party held on 12 August 2008 as submitted be endorsed.

209. Urgent Business

The Chairman reported that there were no items to be considered as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.

210. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

211. Items Referred from Council

1. November Fair in Helmsley

At the last meeting of Council held on 4 September 2008 the Chairman reported receipt of a petition from businesses in Helmsley, which sought “the removal of the November Fair in Helmsley”. The Chairman reported that in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 23 (Petitions) the petition would be referred to the next meeting of the Community Services & Licensing Committee.

The Head of Environmental Services reported that businesses in Helmsley had expressed concerns regarding the November Fair, which was held in the Market Square. Concerns related to issues of noise and the loss of car parking spaces. The Contract for the Fair, which included Pickering, Malton and Kirkbymoorside, was due for renewal in 2009.

It was suggested that the petition be noted and taken into account as part of the further consultation process that was to take place at contract renewal. In the meantime the situation in all the Market Towns involved would be monitored. Members endorsed this course of action.


That the petition be noted and considered as part of the further consultation process that was to take place at contract renewal and that in the meantime the situation in all the Market Towns involved be monitored.

2. Affordable Housing

Members were reminded that at the meeting of Council held on 4 September 2008, in considering Overview & Scrutiny Minute No. 181 (Call-in of Community Services & Licensing Committee Decision - Single Homelessness Strategy for North Yorkshire and Local Action Group), it had been resolved:

(i) Council instructs Community Services & Licensing Committee to consider affordable housing as a standing item on its agendas

(ii) Community Services & Licensing Committee considers how best to meet the aspirations expressed by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

The Chairman welcomed the inclusion on the agenda of a standing item relating to affordable housing, as this would enable the Committee to monitor progress.

The Corporate Director reported that an Affordable Housing Section had been included on the agenda and the report at item 7 outlined the proposed actions in respect of (b) above.

212. Affordable Housing  Appendix 2 (PDF, 47K).

The Head of Economy & Housing submitted a report (previously circulated), which had been prepared following the resolution of Council on 4 September 2008 as outlined in Minute No. 211(2) above. The report updated Members on progress with initiatives to address local housing needs, including delivery of affordable housing, and sought endorsement of a proposed strategy for the monitoring of the delivery of this corporate priority.

The report outlined for information progress made against the Housing Strategy Action Plan. In addition, the report outlined proposed actions to meet the Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s aspirations in respect of affordable housing.

The Head of Economy & Housing reported that much in the approach outlined was already taking place both through officer working groups and through the existing work of this Committee. New initiatives were currently being examined and investigated by Officers, particularly in relation to mortgage assistance initiatives and the impact of recent government announcements on support for homeowners and for those facing fuel poverty. A new Private Sector Housing Strategy had been developed for approval by this Committee; a number of Member briefings had been held over the past 12 months to advise Members of changes to government housing policy including changes to government funding with the introduction of the Housing and Planning Delivery Grant and the Rural Housing Enabler role.

The approach outlined aimed to both formalise the performance management arrangements for the delivery of the Council’s objectives for affordable housing and to improve the Council’s performance further through close monitoring and policy development.


(a) That the progress made to date against the Housing Strategy Action Plan be noted

(b) That the proposed performance management arrangements as outlined in the report be approved

(c) That a programme of presentations from Officers and partners on affordable housing issues be arranged

(d) That a training session for Members be agreed.

213. Private Sector Housing Strategy Appendix 3 (PDF, 72K).

The Head of Economy & Housing submitted a report (previously circulated), which sought approval for the adoption and implementation of the Private Sector Housing Strategy (PSHS). In addition, the Housing Services Manager circulated a suggested part (c) to the recommendations in the report, as follows:

(c) That in the event of a shortfall in either commitments or expenditure of the Regional Housing Pot allocation, any such shortfall be used to support the acquisition of affordable housing by partner Registered Social Landlords in order to secure the anticipated allocation for 2009/10 and 2010/11.

The draft Strategy detailed a broad range of proposals to assist owner occupiers, landlords and tenants in the private sector with housing renewal, based on a combination of advice and advocacy, financial assistance and enforcement. The proposals reflected the government’s agenda of ensuring that vulnerable households had decent homes and recognised local priorities such as the provision of affordable housing and measures to address fuel poverty. An element of capital funding was required in order to provide the necessary financial assistance. This was available from a combination of the Council’s own financial resources and successful external funding bids, with a shift in emphasis from grants to loans to develop a resource which may be recycled, thereby increasing the future opportunities for individuals to benefit from assistance.

The PSHS would provide a focus for housing renewal in the District and afforded the opportunity to amend existing policies and develop new initiatives in response to changing situations. It had been developed with regard to changing government initiatives in relation to housing renewal and to ensure that the potential of the private sector housing stock was fully realised in addressing local housing issues.

The Strategy recognised that private sector housing renewal assistance should reflect the needs of the service user. It aimed to promote a greater awareness of the services on offer, and establish feedback mechanisms to tailor assistance to residents’ needs.


(a) That the revised draft Private Sector Housing Strategy be adopted to ensure that the condition of the private sector housing stock addressed the housing needs of the community.

(b) That the disposition of the 2008/09 Regional Housing Pot allocation achieve the aims and objectives identified within the private sector housing strategy.

(c) That in the event of a shortfall in either commitments or expenditure of the Regional Housing Pot allocation, any such shortfall be used to support the acquisition of affordable housing by partner Registered Social Landlords in order to secure the anticipated allocation for 2009/10 and 2010/11.

NB.  Councillor Woodward recorded his vote against the above decision.

214. Boiler Replacement Programme & Energy Efficiency Improvements Appendix 4 (PDF, 67k).

The Property Services Manager submitted a report (previously circulated), which outlined the preferred options for the boiler replacement programme as part of the Council’s ongoing energy efficiency improvements. The report sought approval of the preferred options for Ryedale House and Ryedale Pool and approval for the capital expenditure as part of the Council’s agreed capital programme.

Heating boilers and associated systems at both Ryedale House and Ryedale Pool were in need of replacement, with the plant at the Pool being a priority. Currently, both premises operated with two boilers all served with mains natural gas. Replacing these boilers offered the opportunity to invest in alternatives to natural gas. Currently the only feasible alternative was biomass. Given likely future energy price trends, the longevity of such systems and the Council’s responsibility to reduce carbon emissions resulting from its operations, it was considered important that such a decision represented the best balance between these factors. Financial provision of £203k had been agreed in the Council’s capital programme for schemes under the Energy Efficiency Improvements to Council Property work stream.

The report outlined the non-financial and financial drivers for the provision of biomass boilers, the estimated costs and savings and outlined options for the Committee’s consideration.

Based on the information provided in the report the Property Services Manager reported that the preferred options were:

(a) To proceed to tender for the installation of a biomass system at Ryedale Pool together with a high efficiency gas boiler as a back-up system

(b) To proceed to tender for the installation of a high-efficiency gas replacement system at Ryedale House together with a back-up system.

Biomass heating was considered to be an appropriate solution for Ryedale Pool. This would provide future revenue savings for the Council, as well as reducing carbon emissions, supporting local businesses and demonstrating the sustainable use of local resources. However, due to building constraints at Ryedale House it was considered that a new high-efficiency gas plant represented the best option, in conjunction with further energy efficiency improvements.


(a) That. the report be received and that the preferred options for the replacement of boilers at Ryedale Pool and Ryedale House as submitted be agreed.

(b) That Officers be authorised to tender for the two schemes as outlined in the report.

(c) That the Property Services Manager, in consultation with the Chairman of the Community Services & Licensing Committee, be authorised to accept a suitable tender for the work subject to the provisions within the Council’s Financial Standing Orders.

215. Amendment to Taxi Rank - The Ropery Car Park, Pickering Appendix 5 (PDF, 1MB).

The Finance Manager (Street Scene) submitted a report (previously circulated), which sought approval to change the designation of the taxi rank in The Ropery Car Park in Pickering.

Members were reminded that with effect from August 2007 two parking bays in The Ropery car park had been designated as a full time taxi rank. Since that time their use had been monitored. During the day the ranks were rarely used and a number of complaints had been received from car park users that valuable parking spaces had unnecessarily been allocated for use by taxis.

It was therefore recommended that the solution to the issue was the re-designation of the two taxi rank spaces to part-time i.e. 1830 to 0600 hours, pending a full evaluation of the effectiveness of the rank.


That the full time taxi rank in The Ropery car park be amended to a time-restricted rank operational between 1830 and 0600 hours.

216. Taxi Licensing Task Group Update Appendix 6  (PDF, 48K).

The Finance Manager (Street Scene) submitted a report (previously circulated) the purpose of which was to report on the outcomes of the Taxi Licensing Task Group and to seek guidance on the current policy to assist with the preparation of the proposed fees and charges for the Taxi Licensing Service for 2009/10.

In order to assist with the preparation of the proposed fees and charges for 2009/10, which were to be presented to the November meeting of the Committee, the following options were presented for Members consideration:

(a) Retain the current breakeven policy and apply a 15% increase to fees as in previous years this would also result in an extension to the original timeframe by two years and would accordingly require the approval of the Policy & Resources Committee

(b) Retain the current breakeven policy and the original target date for achievement (2009/10), which would require an increase to fees of 39%

(c) Recommend a change to the current policy to bring future increases in line with the Council’s financial policy to maximise income with a minimum increase of 5%

d) Recommend a change to the current policy to freeze fees in 2009/10 pending a review of the service aims and the development of a new policy.

Following detailed consideration of the report the Committee supported the retention of the current break-even policy but that the period be extended and that a number of options be brought back showing the percentage increase required over a range of time options.


(a) That the feedback and the work of the Taxi Licensing Task Group’s work in progress be noted.

(b) That the Policy & Resources Committee be recommended to retain the current breakeven policy over an extended period.

217. Round Table Discussion:

Community Services & Licensing Committee - Terms of reference

The Committee’s Terms of Reference were circulated with the agenda for discussion and comment. Members were reminded that the Constitution Review Working Party was currently undertaking a review of the Council’s Constitution.

Following consideration it was agreed that the Terms of Reference be re-drafted and brought back to the next meeting of the Committee in a format that:

  •  States clearly the roles and responsibilities of the Committee
  •  Is explicit and in plain English
  •  Includes a description of services governed by the Committee
  •  Includes a set of generic roles and responsibilities applied across all services within the scope of this Committee
  •  That a Members’ training session be arranged
  •  That draft the revised Terms of Reference be submitted to a future meeting for comment so as to be included within the current review of the Constitution being carried out by the Constitution Review WP.

It was noted that the objective of the re-drafting was to make the Terms of Reference easily understandable and not to amend their actual scope.

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