Meeting documents

Community Services Committee
Thursday, 29th May, 2008

Thursday, 29 May 2008
Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton
Councillors: Mrs Cowling (in the Chair), Mrs Arnold, Bailey,Mrs De Wend Fenton, Hemesley, Mrs Hodgson, Hope, Jackson, Mrs Kealand Woodward.
Substitute: Councillor Knaggs (for Councillor MrsFrank).
By Invitation of the Chairman: Councillor MrsShields.

In Attendance
P Cresswell, Miss C Gaynor, Mrs M Jackson, A Richards, SRichmond and D Summers.

29. Apology for Absence
An apology for absence was received from Councillor MrsFrank.
30. Minutes
The minutes of a meeting of the Community Services &Licensing Committee held on 10 April 2008 were submitted (previouslycirculated).
That the minutes of the last meeting ofthe Community Services & Licensing Committee held on 10 April2008 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correctrecord.
31. Urgent Business
The Chairman reported that there were no items to beconsidered as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b)of the Local Government Act 1972.
32. Declarations of Interest
In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct the followingdeclarations of interest were made:
Items 7 & 8Councillor Mrs Cowling declared a personal andnon-prejudicial interest in these items as an owner of a businesssubject to both the Food Service and Health & SafetyPlans.
Items 7 & 8Councillor Mrs Arnold declared a personalinterest in these items as an employee of a business subject toboth the Food Service and Health & Safety Plans.
Item 10Councillor Mrs Arnold declared a personal interest inthis item, as she is a member of the North Yorkshire ScrutinyHealth Committee.
33. Appointment of Working Parties
Members were requested to consider the appointment of Membersto the following Working Parties:
(a) Environmental Working Party
(b) Community Engagement WorkingParty
(c) Community Leisure Working Party
(d) Taxi Licensing Sub Group
The Corporate Director suggested that the EnvironmentalWorking Party be disbanded and that all Community Services &Licensing Committee agendas include a standing item relating toEnvironmental matters. The new system to be implemented at the nextmeeting and would consist of full background briefing and audits ofall existing environmental policies, plans and live projects.Community Services & Licensing would act as the decision makerfor projects (where items are within policy/budget) and wouldmonitor progress and performance.
The Corporate Director also suggested that the CommunityEngagement Working Party be disbanded.
(a) That the Environmental items beincorporated into the Community Services & Licensing Committeeagenda as a standing item.
(b) That the Community Engagement WorkingParty be disbanded.
(c) That Members be appointed to theWorking Parties as set out below:
(i) Community Leisure Working Party
Councillors Mrs Arnold, Mrs Cowling, MrsDe Wend Fenton, Hemesley, Jackson and Mrs Keal.
(Substitution open to allCouncillors)
(ii) Taxi Licensing Sub Group
Councillor Mrs Arnold appointed Memberrepresentative.
34. Community Safety – Partnership Plan2008–11
Appendix 1. (PDF, 26k) and Annex A. (PDF, 61k)
The Community Safety Manager submitted a report (previouslycirculated) which presented Members with the new three yearPartnership Plan for the Ryedale District which set out what SaferRyedale would deliver in the next three years to address the crimeand disorder priorities in the District.
The Chairman welcomed to the meeting the Community SafetyManager who gave a presentation on Delivering Safer Communities: Aguide to effective partnership working – Changes for Crime andDisorder Partnerships which detailed:
  • Crime & Disorder Act 1998
  • Safer Ryedale Initiatives
  • Hallmarks of Effective Partnerships
  • Guidance for Partnerships
  • Lead & Guide
  • Safer Ryedale Current Structure
  • Safer Ryedale Board – current membership
  • Assess
  • Safer Ryedale Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessments (JSIA)Headlines – Community Consultation
  • Safer Ryedale JSIA Headlines – Crime & Disorder
  • Plan
  • Safer Ryedale Partnership Plan Priorities
  • Delivery
In 1998 the Government gave local authorities and other bodiesa mandate to tackle crime and disorder issues in their communities,with new powers to make a difference in each district, these areCrime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRPs).
Safer Ryedale was the body formed (CDRP) to draw agenciestogether to address crime and anti social activity locally andcomprised of a number of agencies whom had the duty placed on them– Local Authorities, Police Forces, Police Authorities, FireAuthorities and Primary Care Trusts, along with other agencies whomhad a duty to co-operate such as Registered Social Landlords and awide range of others who could be invited to participate.
Previously, Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships compileda three year Strategy which was designed to tackle the prioritiesidentified for the whole period of that Strategy. The last Strategyended at the end of March 2008.
The Community Safety Manager reported that the PartnershipPlan was approved at the Safer Ryedale Board meeting on 16 April2008 and launched on 13 May 2008. All the agencies involved inSafer Ryedale were signed up to deliver the Action Plans and werecommitted to this. The successful delivery of these actions wouldbring about benefits to the community of Ryedale and improve theperceptions of crime and disorder in the area.
However, there were challenges ahead for the Partnership egfuture funding and resources such as contributions in kind of stafftime contributed by a number of agencies. There were alsoopportunities to explore and develop which would be a feature ofthe next year or so.
With reference to the ‘Safer Roads’ promoting safety and thereduction of accidents on Ryedale’s roads, Members suggested thereturn a previously effective scheme of talking to 14/15 year oldgirls at local schools, the reason being was that it was agreedthat they influenced young drivers to drive more appropriately. TheEnvironmental Health Manager reported that he had recently receiveda letter from Malton School requesting a ‘Drop In’ day, which dealtwith a wide range of issues and suggested that this scheme beimplemented.
Also with reference to the ‘Safer Roads’ Members wereconcerned that there were not enough officers to operate the newlypurchased hand held laser devices and commented that there werecurrently no fixed speed cameras in North Yorkshire. Membersqueried when, if at all, these may be implemented.
In relation to Domestic Abuse, Members noted that SaferRyedale aimed to reduce the numbers of repeat cases of domesticabuse and the reductions already seen in the last year through thework of all the agencies involved in this work. The Scarborough andRyedale Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator had developed and implementedwith Partner agencies the Making Safe Project and that work hasbeen nationally recognised through the Butler Trust Award.
Members were of the opinion that work in schools was veryimportant in raising awareness, also that support needed to beavailable for all whether it be their first experience or a repeatincident.
The Community Safety Manager reported that further informationregarding the Fixed Speed Cameras and Domestic Violence would becollated and submitted to all members of the committee at a laterdate.
Members thanked the Community Safety Manager for herreport.
(a) That the Community Safety Managersubmit information regarding Fixed Speed Cameras and Domestic Abuseto all committee Members.
(b) That the Partnership Plan 2008–11 beendorsed.
35. Food Safety – The Requirement to Produce a ServicePlan for Approval by Members
Appendix 2. (PDF, 20k) and Annex A. (PDF, 70k)
The Environmental Health Manager submitted a report(previously circulated), in connection with the Food Service Plan2008/09 a copy of which was appended to the report.
The Food Service Plan was prepared on an annual basis coveringthe financial year from 1 April. The Plan provided a background tothe Food Service and the principal areas of work undertaken byofficers. The Food Service was subject to regular audits through aninter-authority regime and other external auditors also madeassessments in relation to its ISO 9001: 2000 Certificate ofRegistration. The service was also subject to scrutiny by the FoodStandards Agency. The proposal to introduce ‘Scores on the Doors’in Ryedale had been delayed due to the Food Standards Agencyconsulting on a national system.
That the aims and objectives of the FoodSafety Service Plan 2008/09 be approved and adopted.
NB. Councillors Mrs Cowling and Mrs Arnold declared personalinterests in the above item an owner/employee of a business subjectto food safety inspections.
36. Environmental Health – The Requirement to Producea Health & Safety Service Plan for Approval byMembers
Appendix 3. (PDF, 21k) and Annex A. (PDF, 42k)
The Environmental Health Manager submitted a report(previously circulated) in connection with the Health and Safety atWork Service Plan for 2008/09.
The guidance notes issued by the Health and Safety Commission(HSC) under Section 18 (4) of the Health & Safety at Work Actcontained the broad principles which local authorities wererequired to adopt in enforcing health and safety legislation. Therewere several elements that the HSC believed essential to enable alocal authority to adequately discharge its duty as an enforcingauthority, among which was the production of a Service Plandetailing the authority’s priorities, aims and objectives for theenforcement of health and safety. A copy of the Service Plan wasappended to the report.
That the aims and objectives of the Healthand Safety Service Plan 2008/9 be approved and adopted.
NB. Councillors Mrs Cowling and Mrs Arnold declared personalinterests in the above item an owner/employee of a business subjectto health and safety inspections.
37. Salix – Local Authority Scheme
Appendix 4. (PDF, 25k)
The Corporate Director submitted a report (previouslycirculated) the purpose of which was to update Members regardingthe issues encountered in the operation of the Council’s agreementwith Salix Finance and sought approval from Members for immediatewithdrawal from the contract.
The report updated Members on the recent discussions andnegotiations between Officers and the Recovery Manager at SalixFinance and made recommendations to withdraw from the contract andre-pay the grant previously received.
The Corporate Director reported that regrettably, Officersrecommended withdrawal however at the current time there was noreal viable alternative. The demands of the repayment mechanismwere such that the Council did not have any suitable alternativeprojects deliverable within the required timescales. There washowever, nothing that precluded the Council from re-applying in thefuture or indeed operating an internal energy efficiency invest tosave fund through the capital programme.
(a) That the Council withdraws from thecontract with immediate effect.
(b) That the Council takes the necessarysteps to reimburse Salix Finance.
38. Review of Maternity Services
Appendix 5*
A letter, which had been circulated to all Parish and TownCouncils in the Districts of Scarborough and Ryedale, wascirculated for information with the agenda. The letter was from theScrutiny and Corporate Performance Business Unit at County Hall,Northallerton, and referred to the review of maternity services inScarborough and North East Yorkshire. The Chairman of the CountyCouncil’s Scrutiny of Health Committee urged all Parish and TownCouncils wishing to ensure their contributions were taken intoaccount in the Review of Maternity Services to make contact withthe Panel.
The Corporate Director suggested that a letter be written tothe North Yorkshire County Council Independent ReconfigurationPanel (NYCC IRP) detailing the Council’s position regarding thereview of Maternity Services. That being that Members agreed thatthe Corporate Director writes to the NYCC IRP again to restate theCouncil’s current position.
That the Corporate Director writes to theNYCC IRP restating the Council’s current position regarding theReview of Maternity Services.
39. Cycle Stands – For Information
Appendix6. (PDF, 14k)
The Corporate Director submitted a report (previouslycirculated) for Members information regarding the Cycle Stands inMarket Towns of Ryedale.
Members considered a report at the December 2007 Policy &Resources Committee which sought a view on the provision of cyclestands in market towns. Members were of the view that rather thanRyedale District Council making provision at the current time onland in its ownership, instead it engaged with the Service CentreTransportation Strategies (SCTS) process.
The Corporate Director reported that the consultation withSCTSs was ongoing and detailed the current position for thefollowing towns:
  • Helmsley
  • Kirkbymoorside
  • Pickering
  • Malton
  • Norton
  • Thornton Dale
40. Naming of Development of Former North RidingGarages at Pickering
Appendix7. (PDF, 25k) and Annex A. (PDF, 18k)
The Property Manager submitted a report (previouslycirculated) the purpose of which was to re-examine the nameallocated to the development of former North Riding Garages atPickering.
At the 10 April 2008 meeting of this Committee it was resolvedthat the development be named ‘Lime Tree Court’. Golden Living maderepresentations regarding the suffix to the name previouslyallocated to the development and requested that the Committeereconsider this. In view of these representations the Committeeresolved that the most suited name was ‘Lime Tree Close’
That the development on the former NorthRiding Garages site at Eastgate Pickering be named ‘Lime TreeClose’.
41. Area Tourism Partnership
The Corporate Director (S151) reported that at the meeting ofthis committee held on 31 January 2008, Members considered thereport, which sought approval to transfer an agreed amount from thetourism budget to the Yorkshire Moors and Coast Tourism Partnership(YMCTP) and extend the secondment of the tourism officers to thepartnership. It was suggested at the meeting that it would beuseful to have a Member Briefing on the YMCTP.
The Corporate Director (S151) reported for information thatthe current position was that Hambleton District Council had nowcommitted for the full five years of the partnership business planhowever Scarborough Borough Council had only agreed to being amember of the partnership for one year initially. It was alsoreported that there were outstanding issues around the value of theagreed contribution from Scarborough Borough Council and thatongoing meetings were being held to resolve the issues.
It was noted that a Member Briefing had not yet been arrangedand this would be arranged once the current issues had beenresolved. A detailed report on the partnership would be presentedat the next meeting.
That a detailed report be presented to thenext meeting of the Committee following which arrangements will beput in place for a Member Briefing.
*We regret that this item is not available electronically. If yourequire a hard copy please contact Member Services ortelephone on 01653 600666 extension 343.-- muscat ignore -->
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