Meeting documents

Community Services Committee
Thursday, 10th April, 2008

Thursday, 10 April 2008
Council Chamber, Ryedale House, Malton

Councillors: Mrs Cowling (in the Chair), Mrs Arnold, Bailey,Clark, Mrs De Wend Fenton, Mrs Hodgson, Hope and Mrs Keal.

Substitute: Councillor Wainwright (for Councillor Maud).
Overview & Scrutiny Observers: Councillors Mrs Shields, MsWarriner and Mrs Wilford.
By Invitation of the Chairman: Mr Paul Hayward – RyedaleVoluntary Action.
In Attendance

Ms J Baldwin, P Cresswell, Mrs B Bennett, Miss C Gaynor, Mrs JHolmes, Mrs M Jackson, P Long, S Richmond, Miss L Sandal and DSummers.


513. Welcome

The Chairman welcomed the recently appointed CorporateDirector (S151), Mr P Cresswell, to the meeting and appropriateintroductions were made.
514. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Keal,Mrs Frank, Hemesley and Maud.
515. Minutes
The minutes of a meeting of the Community Services &Licensing Committee held on 31 January 2008 were submitted (previouslycirculated).
That the minutes of the last meeting ofthe Community Services & Licensing Committee held on 31 January2008 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correctrecord.
516 Minutes – Community Leisure WorkingParty
Appendix 1. (PDF, 12k)
The minutes of a meeting of the Community Leisure WorkingParty held on 11 March 2008 were submitted (previouslycirculated).
That the minutes of a meeting of theCommunity Leisure Working Party held on 11 March 2008 as submittedbe endorsed.
517. Urgent Business
The Chairman reported that there were two items to beconsidered as a matter of urgency by virtue of Section 100B(4)(b)of the Local Government Act 1972.
518. Declarations of Interest
In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct the followingdeclarations of interest were made:
Item 10Councillors Mrs De Wend Fenton and Wainwright declared personalinterests in this item as members of Ryedale Voluntary Action
519. Annual Audit and Inspection Letter
 Appendix2. (PDF, 150k)
The Performance Manager submitted the Audit Commission’sAnnual Audit and Inspection Letter (previously circulated).
The letter provided an overall summary of the AuditCommission’s assessment of the Council. It drew on the most recentComprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA), the findings andconclusions from the audit for 2006/07 and commented on key issues.The letter included a review of how the Council had progressed(Direction of Travel report) and the auditor assessment of how theCouncil had managed its finances (the Use of Resourcesscores).
Members welcomed the report although it was noted that theCouncil’s performance, as measured by the Audit Commission basketof indicators, had slipped in 2006/07.
That the report be noted.
520. Recovery of Salix Grant
Appendix 3. (PDF,57k)
The Environmental Health Manager submitted a report(previously circulated) the purpose of which was to summarise theoperational situation with regard to the Salix Finance LocalAuthority Scheme for energy efficiency improvements, following aresolution at the Council Budget meeting on 25 February 2008.
The Council’s application to the Salix scheme was initiallyrejected, but was accepted in the second round of applications.Ryedale District Council was one of the smallest authoritiesinvolved in the scheme, and significant work went into both theapplication to and preparation for the scheme.
The spending schedule and terms of the grant were predictedupon the delivery of certain capital building projects and thearrangement of a specific contractual agreement with the leisurecentre operators. The programme as agreed with Salix had not beenachieved and as such, the scheme as originally envisaged wasunworkable.
This does not impact upon the Council’s ability to deliveralternative projects that would reduce energy consumption andcarbon emissions from the Council’s estate and as suchinvestigations had been made with Salix Finance Ltd regarding thepotential to revise the programme.
There were two principal options:
a) Withdraw from the scheme, repay all grant received to dateand continue with energy improvements provided for only within theCouncil’s capital programme resources
b) Accept Salix Finance Ltd’s offer to freeze the fund for 12months and continue negotiations with them with a view tosubmitting an alternative proposal for all or part of the fund.This option includes examining the savings being realised fromcompleted works, assessing how sustainable these saving are andputting in place mechanisms to recoup the savings.
It was acknowledged that the grant programme had encounteredsome contractual and delivery difficulties. It was suggested thatfollowing an appraisal of future eligible schemes the Council mayneed to reconsider the size and scope of the programme. However, itwas suggested that the offer from Salix for additional time beaccepted and that officers meet with them as a matter of urgencywith a view to revising or re-profiling the programme
Having considered the merits of both options, Members were ofthe opinion that option B was the preferred option.
a) That the Council accepts that theoriginal planned programme of work is unachievable.
b) That negotiations continue with SalixFinance Ltd regarding an alternative programme of schemes for theRyedale fund.
c) That negotiations take place withCommunity Leisure Ltd in relation to realising energy savings fromthe completed and future programme of investment in the Council’scapital programme.
521. Objections to Hackney Carriage and Private HireLicence Fees 08/09
Appendix 4.* (PDF, 18k)
The Commercial Services Finance Manager submitted a report(previously circulated) the purpose of which was to inform Membersthat 26 objections (out of a possible 108) had been received to theproposed hackney carriage and private hire fees and charges for2008/09.
The Commercial Services Finance Manager reminded Members thatthis Committee approved the licence fees for 2008/09 on 29 November2007. All fees had been increased by 15% in accordance with thecurrent policy. Following the publication of the public notice inthe Gazette and Herald on 6 February 2008, a petition containing 24signatures and 2 further written objections to the proposed licencefees had been received. The objections represented 24% of the totalcurrent licensed drivers.
Due to the receipt of objections to the proposed fees, Memberswere asked to decide whether to implement the fees in line with theexisting policy or that the Policy & Resources Committee berecommended to amend the current policy.
It was also concluded that a review of the objections processbe undertaken together with the constitutional arrangements toensure effective decision making arrangements were in place whensetting future licence fees.
In addition, Councillor Clark referred to the review ofhackney carriage and private hire licence fees. Councillor Clarkwas of the opinion that the drivers concerned be informed that thisCommittee would review the fees in preparation for the 2009/10budget. The suggestion was accepted.
a) That the objections received benoted.
b) That the existing policy be not amendedand that the proposed licence fees for 2008/09 be approved.
c) That the hackney carriage and privatehire licence fees be reviewed in preparation for the 09/10budget.
522. Urgent Business
The following two items were considered as a matter of urgencyby virtue of Section 100B of the Local Government Act 1972.
523. Naming of Development of Former Northern Garagesat Pickering
The Property Manager submitted a report (previouslycirculated) the purpose of which was to name the development ofFormer Northern Garages at Pickering.
The report outlined progress to date and put forwardsuggestions for Members’ consideration:
  • Officer suggestion – North Riding Court
  • Developer suggestion – Forest Mews, Hawthorn Mews
  • Town Council suggestion – Slater’s Court
Members were of the opinion that the names suggested wereunsuitable for the development therefore it was suggested that,given that there were lime trees situated close to the development,it be named ‘Lime Tree Court’.
That the development on the former NorthRiding Garages site at Eastgate Pickering be named ‘Lime TreeCourt’.
524. Malton Market Update
The Environmental Health Manager reported for information thatthe new contract for the Malton Market was now in place and thefirst market under the new operator had taken place on Saturday, 5April 2008. In addition, the new arrangements at Helmsley Markethad been implemented on 4 April 2008, with a member of theCommercial Services staff supervising the siting of the stalls. Thenew arrangements had not resulted in any reduction of the number ofstallholders.
The Environmental Health Manager reported that both marketshad operated satisfactorily.
That the report be noted.
525. Exempt Information
That under Section 100(A)(4) of the LocalGovernment Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for thefollowing item as there will be a likely disclosure of exemptinformation as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule12A of the Act as the information relates to any individual(Paragraph 1) and to the financial or business affairs of anyparticular person (including the authority holding thatinformation) (Paragraph 3).
526. Ryedale Voluntary & Community Sector Support– Savings Proposal
Ryedale Voluntary Action’s Chief Officer attended the meetingand gave a presentation on Voluntary and Community Sector Supportin Ryedale.
Mr Hayward reported that a registered charity had beenestablished in 1988 and a company limited guarantee had beenregistered in 1996. The presentation outlined RVA’s charitableobjectives, how the organisation was governed, the core functions,RVA support and RVA’s principal functions.
It was suggested that a closer working relationship betweenRVA and the Council be developed and Mr Hayward outlined theoperating context and issues for consideration.
Following consideration, it was
That the Policy & Resources Committeebe recommended to authorise Officers to prepare a Business Case inrelation to the potential for closer working with the Voluntary andCommunity Sector for the delivery of Council Services.
NB. In accordance with the Members’ Code of ConductCouncillors Mrs De Wend Fenton and Wainwright declared personalinterests in this item as members of Ryedale VoluntaryAction.
*We regret to inform you that part of the report is missingfor this item.  If you require a copy, please do nothesitate to email the Members ServicesSection.
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