Meeting documents

North Yorkshire Building Control Partnership
Wednesday, 17th December, 2008

Held at Coxwold House, Easingwold Business Park, Stillington Road, Easingwold, York. 

on Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Present                                         Representing                                      
Councillor Wainwright Ryedale District Council
Mrs A Adnitt Democratic Services - Ryedale District Council

P Cresswell

Corporate Director (s151) – Ryedale District Council
Miss L Sandell

Head of Organisational Development - Ryedale District Council

Councillor Mackman

(In the Chair) Selby District Council

Councillor Percival

Selby District Council

Councillor Baker

Hambleton District Council

Mr M Cann

Head of Planning Services – Hambleton District Council

Mr D Simpson Head of Resources - Hambleton District Council
Councillor Bastiman

Scarborough Borough Council

Councillor Allanson

Scarborough Borough Council

Mr D Archer

Strategic Director - Scarborough Borough Council

Mr L Chapman

Building Control Manager

Link to Building Control Agenda 17 December 2008.


BCP.143 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Councillors Cottam, Helmsley and Fletcher.

BCP.144 Minutes

The minutes of a meeting of the North Yorkshire Building Control Partnership held on the 29 October 2008 (previously circulated) were presented.


That the minutes of a meeting of the North Yorkshire Building Control Partnership held on the 29 October 2008 as submitted be approved.

BCP.145 Monitoring Statement

The Building Control Manager circulated a Monitoring Statement, which had been prepared since the last meeting. The Board were advised that income was currently lower than the figure predicted on the revised budget, but savings had been made in relation to supplies and service costs. The current reserve figure was £23,095.


That the Monitoring Statement be noted.

BCP.146 Exempt Information


That under Section 100(4)(A) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following two items as there will be a likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act as the information relates to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority).

BCP.147 Restructure Report

The Building Control Manager submitted a report (previously circulated) in order to seek Members’ approval for the restructuring of the Partnership to meet current and future operational requirements, staffing resources and budget estimates.

Appended to the report were copies of the structure as at 1 April 2008 and as at the 1 November 2008 and the proposed structure, and the report gave detailed the following:

  • Workload
  • Proposed Structure
  • Age profile/skill shortage
  • Financial implications
  • Legal implications


  1. That the budget estimates as indicated in Appendix 4 of the report be used a basis for the revised 2008/09 and 2009/10 budget, subject to further adjustments in order to achieve a break even situation by 2010/11.
  2. That in order to achieve the break even target, a mechanism be put in place to reduce costs subject to further information and evaluation being made available.
  3. That a future meeting of the Sub Group be arranged for the earliest convenient date in January 2009.

BCP.148 Health & Safety Report

The Senior Administration Officer submitted a report (previously circulated) in order to update Members on the current situation in relation to health and safety matters.

Members were reminded that at the last Board meeting it had been agreed to include a health and safety report as a standard item on future agendas.

The report gave an update on the following areas:

  • Lone Working Policy
  • Fire Alarm Testing
  • Fire Evacuation Procedure

Members were of the opinion that these policies and procedures be introduced and communicated appropriately to all members of staff.


a. That the report be noted.

b. That written instructions on the Fire Evacuation Procedure be issued to all Members of the Board.

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