Meeting documents

Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 25th February, 2009

Held at Ryedale House, Malton on Wednesday, 25 February 2009



Councillors Mrs Shields (in the Chair), Andrews, Clark, Cussons, Hawkins, Ms Warriner Mrs Wilford and Windress.

In Attendance

Mrs A Adnitt, J Barnet, L Chapman, P Cresswell, J Ingham, P long and Mrs C Slater.


394. Apologies for Absence

An Apology for absence was received from Councillor Raper.

395. Urgent Business

The Chairman reported that there were no items to be dealt with at the meeting as a matter or urgency by virtue of Section 100(B)(4)(b).

396. Declarations of Interest

No declarations of interest were received.

397. Matters Referred for Decision in Relation to Call-in

There were no items to report.

398. Responses from Full Council, Policy & Resources Committee and Community Services & Licensing Committee to Reports of Overview & Scrutiny Committee

There were no matters to report.

399. Work Plan

The Corporate Director (S151) submitted a report (previously circulated) to enable Members to consider the Overview and Scrutiny Issue which they would like to review in 2009.

It was important that the Committee identified and planned its work over the forthcoming year; in order to enable maximum efficiency in undertaking reviews as well as ensuring appropriate outcomes.

The findings of the Waste Management review were to be presented at a future meeting of the Community Services and Licensing Committee. The Car Parking review had been completed and reported to the Community Services and Licensing Committee.

Members were reminded that at the August 2008 meeting, it had been agreed that the scoping of any potential affordable housing review be deferred until Spring 2009, and were asked to consider whether they would like a report to the meeting on the 9 April 2009 on this issue.

The following suggestions for review were presented, and Members were asked for any other suggestions:

  • CO2 Emissions This could examine how the Council collected its data and monitoring its CO2 emmissions. Members could look at best practice elsewhere as well as ensuring that appropriate monitoring and reporting procedures were in place. Members were advised that this issue would have a target in the new corporate plan.
  • Sickness Procedures The performance indicators have shown that the Council has a relatively poor performance compared to other North Yorkshire District Councils. A review could include the policy and its applications.
  • Procurement Whilst the Council did not have the level of discretionary spend of many Authorities, there was scope to consider the way the Council undertook its procurement. The potential for a procurement partnership with other Authorities was being discussed at present with Scarborough acting as the host Authority.

The options were discussed at length and Members were of the opinion that it would be very useful to carry out a review of Sickness procedures.


a. That a scoping report on a review of Sickness Procedures be brought to the next meeting on the 9 April 2009.

b. That the scoping report on a potential affordable housing review be deferred until later in the year.

400. Committee Terms of Reference

The Corporate Director (s151) submitted a report (previously circulated) in order to provide the Committee with re-drafted Committee Terms of Reference for comment and to seek the views of the Committee and whether they wish to recommend any amendments as part of the wider review of the constitution.

Members were advised that both the Council’s service committees had recently reviewed their respective Terms of Reference, and these reviews had subsequently been incorporated into a detailed consideration of the ‘arrangements for Discharge of the Council’s Functions’ by the Constitution Working Party, which was presented to the Policy and Resources Committee on the 19 February 2009. Included within this report were updated terms of reference for the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, which were attached at annex A with tracked changes.

Members discussed the proposed changes and it was decided that following a two minor amendments, the revised terms of reference be adopted.


That the revised Terms of Reference be adopted, subject to the following minor amendments:

a. On page four, In the Functions section, remove “SIC” from item (ii).

b. On page three, in the Functions section item (ii), “considering the draft Community plan”, be extended to include “considering the draft Community plan and to monitor progress not less that annually”.

401. Performance Information Profile

The Corporate Director (s151) submitted a report (previously circulated) the purpose of which was to provide the Committee with details of the Audit Commission Performance information profile for Ryedale District Council.

This annual report from the Audit Commission set out detailed information comparing the Authority to others in its performance. It formed an integral part of the evidence the auditors used n the direction of travel assessment and corporate assessment.

It could also be used by individual Authorities to examine where performance had improved or fallen and identify priorities for the Council. An Action Plan for the Performance Improvement Profile was attached at Annex A, and the Performance Improvement Profile report at Annex B. The data related in main related to the 2007/08 financial year.


That the report be considered and the contents noted.

402. Customer Complaints Monitoring

The Personal Assistant to the Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) the purpose of which was to inform members of the number and type of complaints received under the Council’s complaints procedure for the period October to December 2008.

The report included complaints monitored under individual service complaints systems and a summary of customer feedback to Community Leisure Ltd (CLL) for the period October to December 2008 together with action taken where appropriate.


That the report be noted.

403. Significant Partnerships – Risk Registers

The Corporate Director (S151) submitted a report (previously circulated) in order to present the risk register for one of the Council’s significant partnerships, the North Yorkshire Building Control Partnership.

The Committee was required to have risk planning in place for all of its significant partnerships. This was a requirement of Annual Governance Statement Action Plan and would be a key element for success within the new performance framework and Comprehensive Area Assessment.

The partnerships currently identified as significant by the Council were:

  • Community Leisure Ltd
  • Moors & Coast Tourism
  • Ryedale Strategic Partnership
  • Concessionary Fares Partnership
  • North Yorkshire Building Control Partnership
  • North Yorkshire Audit Partnership
  • Safer Ryedale CC York & North Yorkshire Waste Partnership

Attached to the report at annex A was the risk register for the North Yorkshire Building Control Partnership, which had been approved by the Board of the Partnership on 6 February 2009, the Committee were requested to review this risk register.


That the risk register for the North Yorkshire Building Control Partnership be received.

404. Corporate Risk Register 2006-09

The Head of Transformation submitted a report (previously circulated) in order to inform Members of the current status of the Council’s Corporate Risk register and related Risk Action Plans.

The report included progress to date with managing the actions to mitigate the risks contained in the Councils corporate risk register. The risk register and action plan were attached at Annex 1. The risk register related to the Council’s current Corporate Plan for 2006-09. The relationship between the Corporate Risks and the Council Strategic Objectives was illustrated at Annex 2.

Members were advised that the Corporate Risk Register and Risk Action Plan would be revised following the adoption of the new Council Plan for 2009-13.


That the report be noted.

405. Interim Internal Audit Report 2008/09

The Audit Partnership Manager submitted an Interim Internal Audit Report from the North Yorkshire Audit Partnership for the period to 31 January 2009.

The interim report provided an assurance statement for the financial systems of the Council, based on the work undertaken to date and past experience. A brief synopsis of the issues arising from each of the audits completed in the period was also included.

This routine reporting to the Committee formed an important part of the overall control framework, and the audit committee’s role was also seen as an integral component by the CPA process, through the Key Lines of Enquiry that the Audit Commission follow as part of that CPA/CAA assessment process.


That the report be noted.

406. Decisions from Other Committees

Lists of decisions from the following Committees were  submitted:

  • Community Services & Licensing Committee – 29 January 2009
  • Policy & Resources Committee – 5 February 2009

Councillor Clark expressed concern that the previous commitment to have “Environmental Issues” as an item on all agendas for the Community Services & Licensing Committee appeared to have ceased.


a. That the lists of decisions of the Community Services & Licensing Committee held on 29 January 2009, and the Policy & Resources Committee held on 5 February 2009 be received.

b. That the Constitution Working Party be asked to consider amending the items of reference for the Community Services and Licensing Committee to provide for a standing item on every meeting of Affordable Housing and Environment.

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