Issue - decisions

Provision of Internal Audit

29/09/2011 - Provision of Internal Audit Services



            That Council be recommended:


            That the following be approved:


(i)     The Business Case for the provision of an Internal Audit Service from the 1 April 2012;


(ii)    Delegated authority to the Council Solicitor to conclude the legal contract for the Council to be stakeholders in Veritau (North Yorkshire) Ltd a subsidiary of Veritau Ltd.  The subsidiary company will be a regulated company under the terms of the Local Authorities (Companies) Order 1995;


(iii)   Noting that the Corporate Director (s151) will agree a service level agreement with Veritau (North Yorkshire) Ltd for the provision of Internal Audit Services for the financial year commencing April 2012; and


(iv)   Appointment of the Council’s Corporate Director (s151) as the Council’s Director to the Board of Veritau (North Yorkshire) Ltd.