Agenda item

Local Plan Sites Document: Preferred Site Options (Pickering, Malton and Norton).






(i) all of the sites in locations outside of the Market Tow ns and Service Villages (and not included in the tables within Appendix 2) are not taken forward as part of the site selection process;


(ii) the summary of the Site Selection methodology and conclusions (Appendices 1 and 2) are made available for consultation;


(iii) the site options listed in paragraph 6.24 are consulted on as development options for further residential land supply at Pickering and that Site 650 is identified as a preferred potential employment site in Pickering; and


(iv) the site options listed in paragraph 6.39 are consulted on as development options for further residential land supply at Malton and Norton and that Sites 578 and 579 is identified as preferred options for potential employment sites for Malton and Norton


[For 8                           Against 1                                 Abstain 1]




In accordance with the Members' Code of Conduct Councillors Mrs Sanderson, Mrs Goodrick, Mrs Burr and Maud declared a personal non pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.



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