Agenda item

Final Report- Scrutiny Review of Member Roles on Outside Bodies and as Member Champions


The Overview and Scrutiny Committee submitted a report (previously circulated) which set out their findings and recommendations arising from their review of Member Roles on Outside Bodies and as Member Champions.


Councillor Wainwright moved and Councillor Mrs Shields seconded each of the recommendations in the report.


Upon being put to the vote, recommendations (i)-(vii) were carried.


Upon being put to the vote, recommendation (viii) was lost.




(i)         That the following outside bodies be removed from the list:  Supporting People NY Joint Committee (agreed at Annual Council on 16 May 2013), Endowment Governors Charity called Malton School, LG Yorkshire & Humber Elected Members Cohesion Group (agreed at Annual Council on 16 May 2013), Rural Action Yorkshire (formerly YRCC);


(ii)        That substitute representatives be appointed for outside bodies, where their governance arrangements permit, and that it be the nominated representatives responsibility to notify the substitute if they are unable to attend a meeting of the outside body;


(iii)       That a précis from Member representatives on outside bodies be published on the website following each meeting, subject to the approval of the outside bodies, to ensure feedback of key decisions and discussions relevant to the Council is available, and including their attendance record;


(iv)       That appointments to outside bodies be for four year terms, from 2015 onwards to coincide with the District elections, subject to an annual review by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to address any issues with attendance or publication of précis;


(v)        That nominations of representatives to outside bodies should be made by Council based on their skills and expertise, in addition to attendance records, and that Members be asked to provide an oral statement of this upon nomination.


(vi)       That the Independent Remuneration Panel be requested to review allowances payable to representatives on outside bodies, where a payment is currently made;


(vii)      (a)  That subject to the exceptions in sub paragraph (b) below , all Members note that any representative on an outside body cannot be involved in any financial or regulatory decision taken by the Council that relates to that body. They can make representations, either through the public speaking opportunity for a relevant application at Planning Committee, or for other committees and Full Council by addressing the meeting at the chairman’s discretion;


    (b)    The exceptions where Members may participate and vote are the setting of council tax or a precept under the Local Government Finance Act 1992 or where a dispensation has been granted.

Supporting documents: