Agenda item

Financial Strategy 2011/2012


The Corporate Director (s151) submitted a report, which set out the budget for 2011/12, a proposed Council Tax level, the Financial Strategy, details of balances and reserves and the indicators under the Prudential Code for capital finance as required by the Local Government Act 2003.


The report recommended that the Council approve:


(i)        the Council’s Financial Strategy, attached at Annex A to the report, which includes:


            (a)     the prudential indicators


            (b)     the revised Capital Programme


            (c)     Savings/additional income totalling £1,127k


            (d)     Investment in Priorities of £80k


(ii)       a Revenue Budget for 2011/2012 of £7,365,930, which represents no increase in the Ryedale District Council Tax of £176.72 for a Band D property (note that total Council Tax, including the County Council, Fire and Police is covered within the separate Council Tax setting report to Full Council)


(iii)      approve the special expenses amounting to £48,230


(iv)       Members note the financial projections for 2012/2013 and authorise officers to continue to maximise efficiencies through service reviews, income generation and shared services.


(v)        That the additional government grant of £25K announced in the final settlement be allocated to the following:


            Investment in Community Winter Weather Equipment                £20K

            Parish Planning Support                                                                  £5K



Members were reminded that at its meeting held on 4 November 2010 Council had approved a budget strategy with the following parameters:


·        Proposals be brought forward for a 2.5% increase in Council Tax

·        Increases in fees and charges to be 3.5% to 4.5% on a cost centre heading basis excluding VAT and only those charges Officers recommend above or below this figure to be considered by the relevant policy committee

·        Efficiencies to be maximised and identified together with any potential cuts required to services once the draft grant settlement is announced in November/December.  These proposals to be considered by the Resources Working Party.


Details of the action taken and savings proposals had been presented to the Resources Working Party on 23 November 2010 and 11 January 2011, and all Members had been consulted at the Members’ Budget Briefing on 19 January 2011.


Budget consultation with the public had taken place through the Budget Simulator and a summary of the results was included with the report. 


The Financial Strategy set out in detail the Council’s financial position in the medium term, including issues around the Local Government Finance Settlement and efficiencies, as well as the principles and procedures adopted by the Council to manage its finances to a high standard.


Monitoring of the 2010/2011 budget had taken place through Group Leaders, the Resources Working Party and the monitoring reports presented to the Policy & Resources Committee.


The report set out in detail the following:


·      Budget and Council Tax for 2011/12

·      Capital Programme

·      Special Expenses

·      National Non Domestic Rates (NNDR)

·      Prudential Code

·      Funds and Reserves

·      The 2012/2013 Budget Strategy

·      Local Government Act 2003 – Section 25 Report


The Corporate Director (s.151) drew Members’ attention to the receipt of additional government grant of £25K in the final settlement that had been announced since despatch of the agenda.  It was proposed that these monies be used for investment in Community Winter Weather Equipment and for Parish Planning support.  Members’ welcomed the proposal.




That Council be  recommended to approve:


(i)        the Council’s Financial Strategy, attached at Annex A to the report, which includes:


            (a)     the prudential indicators


            (b)     the revised Capital Programme


            (c)     Savings/additional income totalling £1,127k


            (d)     Investment in Priorities of £80k


(ii)       a Revenue Budget for 2011/2012 of £7,365,930, which represents no increase in the Ryedale District Council Tax of £176.72 for a Band D property (note that total Council Tax, including the County Council, Fire and Police is covered within the separate Council Tax setting report to Full Council)


(iii)      the special expenses amounting to £48,230


(iv)       Members note the financial projections for 2012/2013 and authorise officers to continue to maximise efficiencies through service reviews, income generation and shared services.


(v)        That the additional government grant of £25K announced in the final settlement be allocated to the following:


            Investment in Community Winter Weather Equipment                £20K

            Parish Planning Support                                                                  £5K



The Corporate Director (s151) submitted a report, which set out the budget for 2011/12, a proposed Council Tax level, the Financial Strategy, details of balances and reserves and the indicators under the Prudential Code for capital finance as required by the Local Government Act 2003.


The report recommended that the Council approve:


(i)        the Council’s Financial Strategy, attached at Annex A to the report, which includes:


            (a)     the prudential indicators


            (b)     the revised Capital Programme


            (c)     Savings/additional income totalling £1,127k


            (d)     Investment in Priorities of £80k


(ii)       a Revenue Budget for 2011/2012 of £7,365,930, which represents no increase in the Ryedale District Council Tax of £176.72 for a Band D property (note that total Council Tax, including the County Council, Fire and Police is covered within the separate Council Tax setting report to Full Council)


(iii)      approve the special expenses amounting to £48,230


(iv)       Members note the financial projections for 2012/2013 and authorise officers to continue to maximise efficiencies through service reviews, income generation and shared services.


(v)        That the additional government grant of £25K announced in the final settlement be allocated to the following:


            Investment in Community Winter Weather Equipment                £20K

            Parish Planning Support                                                                  £5K



Members were reminded that at its meeting held on 4 November 2010 Council had approved a budget strategy with the following parameters:


·        Proposals be brought forward for a 2.5% increase in Council Tax

·        Increases in fees and charges to be 3.5% to 4.5% on a cost centre heading basis excluding VAT and only those charges Officers recommend above or below this figure to be considered by the relevant policy committee

·        Efficiencies to be maximised and identified together with any potential cuts required to services once the draft grant settlement is announced in November/December.  These proposals to be considered by the Resources Working Party.


Details of the action taken and savings proposals had been presented to the Resources Working Party on 23 November 2010 and 11 January 2011, and all Members had been consulted at the Members’ Budget Briefing on 19 January 2011.


Budget consultation with the public had taken place through the Budget Simulator and a summary of the results was included with the report. 


The Financial Strategy set out in detail the Council’s financial position in the medium term, including issues around the Local Government Finance Settlement and efficiencies, as well as the principles and procedures adopted by the Council to manage its finances to a high standard.


Monitoring of the 2010/2011 budget had taken place through Group Leaders, the Resources Working Party and the monitoring reports presented to the Policy & Resources Committee.


The report set out in detail the following:


·      Budget and Council Tax for 2011/12

·      Capital Programme

·      Special Expenses

·      National Non Domestic Rates (NNDR)

·      Prudential Code

·      Funds and Reserves

·      The 2012/2013 Budget Strategy

·      Local Government Act 2003 – Section 25 Report


The Corporate Director (s.151) drew Members’ attention to the receipt of additional government grant of £25K in the final settlement that had been announced since despatch of the agenda.  It was proposed that these monies be used for investment in Community Winter Weather Equipment and for Parish Planning support.  Members’ welcomed the proposal.




That Council be  recommended to approve:


(i)        the Council’s Financial Strategy, attached at Annex A to the report, which includes:


            (a)     the prudential indicators


            (b)     the revised Capital Programme


            (c)     Savings/additional income totalling £1,127k


            (d)     Investment in Priorities of £80k


(ii)       a Revenue Budget for 2011/2012 of £7,365,930, which represents no increase in the Ryedale District Council Tax of £176.72 for a Band D property (note that total Council Tax, including the County Council, Fire and Police is covered within the separate Council Tax setting report to Full Council)


(iii)      the special expenses amounting to £48,230


(iv)       Members note the financial projections for 2012/2013 and authorise officers to continue to maximise efficiencies through service reviews, income generation and shared services.


(v)        That the additional government grant of £25K announced in the final settlement be allocated to the following:


            Investment in Community Winter Weather Equipment                £20K

            Parish Planning Support                                                                  £5K


Supporting documents: