Agenda item

18/01126/MFUL - Land at OS Field 8358 Main Street Ampleforth


Text Box: Decision Members approved the application subject to the receipt of further information to satisfy the requirements of the Local Lead Flood Authority and subject to conditions to be drafted and agreed at a subsequent meeting of the Planning Committee. In arriving at the decision, contrary to the officer recommendation, the Committee took the view that the proposal satisfied the requirements of Paragraph 79 of the NPPF and that by virtue of its outstanding design, the proposal would enhance the landscape of this part of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. These material considerations were considered sufficient to outweigh the development not being in accordance with the Development Plan. PERMISSION GRANTED – subject to the receipt of information to satisfy the requirements of the Lead Local Flood Authority and conditions. Voting Result 8 For 2 Against 0 Abstentions

In accordance with the Member’s Code of conduct, Councillors Goodrick, Windress and Cleary declared a personal, non-pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.

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