Agenda item

Proposed by Councillor Oxley and seconded by Councillor Delaney

“In October 2015 Ryedale District Council approved a motion calling for a moratorium of 5 years on fracking.


Whilst there is still time to run on this moratorium we now have a new Council and it would seem appropriate to review our position.


There is still much debate and discussion on hydraulic fracturing and no definitive answers on the many implications of the process.


Given this, and taking into consideration the importance of tourism and the natural environment to people and the local economy, Ryedale District Council should extend the moratorium for the life of this Council.


As before the position to be reconsidered if sufficient evidence becomes available on the impact of the process.”


At the decision of the Chairman, this item was considered earlier in the agenda.


Proposed by Councillor Oxley and seconded by Councillor Delaney.


“In October 2015 Ryedale District Council approved a motion calling for a moratorium of 5 years on fracking. Whilst there is still time to run on this moratorium we now have a new Council and it would seem appropriate to review our position. There is still much debate and discussion on hydraulic fracturing and no definitive answers on the many implications of the process. Given this, and taking into consideration the importance of tourism and the natural environment to people and the local economy, Ryedale District Council should extend the moratorium for the life of this Council. As before the position to be reconsidered if sufficient evidence becomes available on the impact of the process.”


An amendment was moved by Councillor P Andrews and seconded by Councillor Burr:


“The Council would wish to put on record its thanks to the councillors who have fought against fracking in the courts and at the Public Examination into the North Yorkshire Minerals Plan, and to everybody who contributed to the anti-fracking cause, including members of the public who engaged in lawful direct action.


Council requests the Leader of the Council write to the Government stating this position.”


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was carried.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Mason and seconded by Councillor Thackray.


Delete” for the life of this Council”

Add “indefinitely”


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was carried.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Clark and seconded by Councillor Potter.


Delete “for the life of this Council”

Add “review in 2050 in climate change terms”


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was carried.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Clark and seconded by Councillor Potter.


Delete “moratorium” and replace with “complete ban”.


Upon being put to the vote the amendment was lost.


Recorded vote

For: Councillors J Andrews, P Andrews, Brackstone, Burr, Clark, Raine, Hope, Mason, Potter, Thackray and Wass.

Against: Councillors Arnold, Bailey, Cussons, Delaney, Dowcra, Duncan, Garbutt Moore, Goodrick, Mackenzie, Middleton, Oxley and Riby.

Abstentions: Councillors Cleary, Frank and Windress


Councillor Duncan proposed and Councillor Dowcra seconded that the question now be put.


Upon being put to the vote the question was put.


Recorded vote

For: Councillors P Andrews, Arnold, Bailey, Burr, Cleary, Cussons, Delaney, Dowcra, Duncan, Frank, Garbutt Moore, Goodrick, Hope, Mackenzie, Mason, Middleton, Raine, Riby and Thackray

Against: Councillors J Andrews, Brackstone, Clark, Potter and Wass.

Abstentions: Councillor Windress


Upon being put to the vote, the substantive motion as amended was carried.




In October 2015 Ryedale District Council approved a motion calling for a moratorium of 5 years on fracking.


Whilst there is still time to run on this moratorium we now have a new Council and it would seem appropriate to review our position.


There is still much debate and discussion on hydraulic fracturing and no definitive answers on the many implications of the process.


Given this, and taking into consideration the importance of tourism and the natural environment to people and the local economy, Ryedale District Council should extend the moratorium indefinitely and review in 2050 in climate change terms.


As before the position to be reconsidered if sufficient evidence becomes available on the impact of the process.


This Council requests the Leader of the Council write to the Government stating this position.


Voting Record

18 For

4 Abstentions