Agenda item

18/00235/73A - Royal Oak Church Street Nunnington


18/00235/73A – Change of use of former pub to form a 5 bedroom private residential dwelling (retrospective).





The application was refused contrary to officer recommendation for the following reasons:


Policy SP11 – Community Facilities and Services of the adopted Ryedale Local Plan Strategy 2013 seeks to protect existing local retail, community, leisure and recreational services and facilities that contribute to the vitality of the towns and villages in the district. The Local Planning Authority considers that there is continuing need for this facility in the locality and that there is no easily accessible alternative to serve the needs of the community of Nunnington. Furthermore the Local Planning Authority remains of the view that the premises has the potential to be run as a viable business and that the facility could be run as a viable business.


The proposal to change the use of the premises to a five bedroom private residential dwelling is therefore considered to be contrary to the requirements of Policy SP11 of the adopted development plan and that there are no material considerations of sufficient weight to warrant a decision contrary to the requirements of the adopted development plan.


Members of the Planning Committee considered on balance that the application was unacceptable for the reasons set out above.


In the exercise of its statutory discretion to determine planning applications in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise the Planning Committee weighed all the material considerations of this case in the decision making balance and reached a planning judgement that weighed in favour of refusal.


Voting Record

7 For

1 Against

2 Abstentions




In accordance with the Members Code of Conduct Councillors Farnell, Potter and Windress declared a personal non-pecuniary but not prejudicial interest.

Supporting documents: